Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Mid Year Round Up

Time rushes on. We are now in mid July and despite some very mixed weather, ringing is starting to get busy. So far, we have ringed 38 species, with just over 1,000 new birds and over 500 recaptures. 

The mighty SRG at work: Dave, Ewan, Dawn and Adam

More of the team; Mick and Lucy taking a managerial role in proceedings.

On our last session (10/07/21), we ringed a total of 108 new birds plus 58 retraps. A little later than usual, we are starting to ring this year's juvenile birds, including Kingfisher, Chiffchaff, Grey wagtail, Wren, Dunnock, Robin, Chaffinch, Goldfinch and Reed Bunting, plus a selection of warblers, including our first Cetti's. We are still waiting for our first juvenile Grasshopper warbler, fingers crossed!