Thanks to all observers for their records, especially Stanford Ringing Group (SRG), Steve Nichols (SCN), George Burton (GB), Barbara and Fritz Graves (B&FG), Chris Begley (CB), Peter Dillon-Hooper (PDH), Sandra and Mick Wyatt (S&MW), Ian Bartlett (IB), Chris Hubbard (CMH), Matt Jackson (MJ), Dan March (DM)


31stGreen Sandpiper 1, Teal 18, CASPIAN GULL 2 (CMH/PDH)                                                                                                                                  
30thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), Goosander 5, Teal 15, Snipe 1                                                                                                                            
29thCASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 2 (CMH), Great Black-backed Gull c120, Little Grebe 1, Little Egret 1, Lesser Redpoll 9, Teal 9                                                                                                                             
28thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 2, Teal 12, Snipe 1, Goldcrest 1                                                                                                                             
27thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (SCN), PINTAIL 1 female (CMH), Goldeneye 6                                                                                                                             
26thCoot 372, Lesser Redpoll 9, Goldeneye 1, Canada Goose c140, Red Kite 2, Buzzard 2, Kestrel 3, Bullfinch 5, Long-tailed Tit c20                                                                                                                             
24thWishing all contributors and visitors a very Merry Christmas

GREAT EGRET 1, RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (SCN), Lesser Redpoll 11, Snipe, Cetti's Warbler 1, Red Kite 1, Bullfinch 4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
23rdRED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult (CMH) Goosander 4 (2 drakes and 2 females), Cetti's Warbler 1, Little Grebe 1                                                              
22nd*MEALY REDPOLL* 1 briefly late morning on the Leicestershire side with c20 Lesser Redpoll, the first of 2022 (CMH). The video of this bird can be viewed on my twitter feed @c4hub, GREAT EGRET 1, Teal 15, Little Grebe 1, Starling c3000 into roost.

The colour-ringed Herring Gull (A8JT) seen by Steve Nichols on the 18th December was ringed at Pitsea landfill, Essex on 06/12/2014. Also, seen in Cambridgeshire in 2017 and Leicestershire in 2019.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
21stCASPIAN GULL 1 (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (SCN), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 1, Teal 10, Greater Black-backed Gull 175 in the roost (CMH), Cetti's Warbler 1, Water Rail 1, Lesser Redpoll 1                                                                                                                            
20thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Goosander 4, Green Sandpiper 1, Lapwing c100, Goldeneye 4, Cetti's Warbler 1, Water Rail 2, Meadow Pipit 4, Little Egret 1                                                                                                                             
19thRUDDY SHELDUCK 1 (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), Goldeneye 3, GREAT EGRET 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
18thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (SCN), RUDDY SHELDUCK 1 (CB), Teal 11, Goldeneye 3, Snipe 1, Lapwing 15, Herring Gull 1 colour ringed on ice (SCN)                                                                                                                            
17thRUDDY SHELDUCK 1 (T de Clermont)                                                                                                                             
14thRUDDY SHELDUCK 1 (A Herbert/D Sheffield), EGYPTIAN GOOSE 1 (B&FG), Snipe 1, Teal 15, Little Grebe 5, Grey Heron 5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
12thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (SCN)                                                                                                                            
11thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (SCN)                                                                                                                             
10thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 7 (SCN), Goosander 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
9thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (SCN), Snipe 2, Great Black-backed Gull 218 in the roost (CMH)                                                                              
8thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult (CMH), Great Black-backed Gull 164 (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH)                                                                                                                                      
7thCASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1, Water Rail 2, Great Black-backed Gull 156, Cetti's Warbler 1, Lesser Redpoll 5, Sparrowhawk 1, Buzzard 1, Raven 2, Shoveler 6, Long-tailed Tit 16

Caspian Gull (Chris Hubbard)
6thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Snipe 3, Water Rail 3, Lesser Redpoll 12, Cetti's Warbler 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
5thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), Great Black-backed Gull 206 in the roost (CMH),  RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Goosander 1 drake, Kingfisher 1                                                                                                                            
4thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 2, 1 adult and 1 first winter in the roost this evening (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 3 (CMH), Snipe 3                                                                                                                                    
3rdMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult in the roost, Great Black-backed Gull 190+ in the roost (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), Goosander 2, Teal 15, PINTAIL 1 female (CMH), EGYPTIAN GOOSE 1, Little Egret 1, Lesser Redpoll 10

75 new birds ringed today including 63 Redwings, 3 Fieldfares and 1 Chiffchaff (SRG)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
2nd*WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE* 3 this PM (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 9 (SCN), Chiffchaff 1, Little Egret 1, Lesser Redpoll 5

White-fronted Geese (Chris Hubbard)


30thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 5 (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), Tawny Owl 1, Kingfisher 1, Lesser Redpoll 1                                                                                                                                     
29th                       RED-CRESTED POCHARD 2 (CMH), Chiffchaff 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, Lesser Redpoll 6, Siskin 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
28thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 5 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Tawny Owl 1                                                                                                                           
27thMEDITERRANEAN GULL  3 (2 first-winters and the advanced second-winter / near adult) in the roost (CMH/IB/SCN),  RED-CRESTED POCHARD 5 (CMH),  Lesser Redpoll 6, Water Rail 2, Cetti's Warbler 2
26thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 1st-winter (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 2 adults (IB/CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 5 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Tawny Owl 1                                                                                                                            
25thMEDITERRANEAN GULL  3 (2 first-winters and the advanced second-winter / near adult) in the roost (CMH), Little Egret 2, RED-CRESTED POCHARD 8 (CMH),  Lesser Redpoll 2, BRAMBLING 4 (CMH), Water Rail 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, Chiffchaff 1, Tawny Owl 1                                   
24thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 8 (SCN), GREAT EGRET 1, Green Sandpiper 1                                                                                                                                      
23rdMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), Little Egret 4 over the dam at dusk RED-CRESTED POCHARD 12 (CMH), Kingfisher 1, Lesser Redpoll 1                                     
22ndMEDITERRANEAN GULL 2 in the roost, an adult (new bird) and a first-winter (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 12 (SCN/CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Chiffchaff 1, Water Rail 1, Goldeneye 6, Raven 3, Red Kite 1, Grey Heron 2

1st-winter Mediterranean Gull (Chris Hubbard)
21stMEDITERRANEAN GULL 2 in the roost, a different first-winter to last nights and yesterdays advanced 2nd-winter / near adult (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 2 adults in the roost (CMH),  RED-CRESTED POCHARD 12 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Goldeneye 4, Kingfisher 2, Little Egret 2, Lesser Redpoll 3, Cetti's Warbler 1                                                                                      

20thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 3 in the roost, an adult, an advanced second-winter / near adult and a first-winter (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 (CMH), MERLIN 1 female/imm flew across Keepers Lodge Bay and then headed west, the 3rd record of 2022 (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 14 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Water Rail 2, Cetti's Warbler 2, PINTAIL 1 drake, Teal 14, Lesser Redpoll 3, Siskin 1, Skylark c40, Green Sandpiper 1, Little Grebe 27
Mediterranean Gull - near adult (Chris Hubbard)

Mediterranean Gull - first-winter (Chris Hubbard) 

19thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 10 (CMH), *WHOOPER SWAN* 1 flew through east this AM (CMH), GREAT EGRET 2 (CMH), Goldeneye 8,  Kingfisher 2, Little Egret 1, Lesser Redpoll 1, Water Rail 1, YELLOW-LEGGED GULL  2 in the roost (CMH/IB), Teal 20, PINTAIL 1 drake, Starling c1000                                                                                       
18thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 14 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Goldeneye 8, Siskin 8, YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 in the roost, SHORT-EARED OWL  1 possible seen briefly (B&FG), Lesser Redpoll 1                                                                                                                                       
17thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 14 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 2 (CMH), Goldeneye 4, YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 in the roost (CMH), Kingfisher 2, Little Egret 1                                                                                      
16thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 14 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Goldeneye 1, Kingfisher 1, YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 2 (CMH), BRAMBLING 1, Lesser Redpoll 1, Little Grebe 20, Goldeneye 1 female, Chiffchaff 1                                                                                                                                            
15thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 14 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Goldeneye 1, YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 2 in the roost (CMH), Kingfisher 2                                                                                       
14thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 14 (SCN/CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, BRAMBLING 2, YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 in the roost (CMH), Kingfisher 1, Goldeneye 2                                                                                                                                              
13thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 14 including 11 drakes this AM (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (IB/CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult in the roost (IB/CMH), GREAT EGRET 1,  PINTAIL 13 (CMH), Coot 515, Wigeon 458, Gadwall 138, Water Rail 2, Green Sandpiper 1, Shoveler 32, Tufted Duck 198, Pochard 22, Little Grebe 10, Greylag Goose 143, Snipe 2, Little Egret 1, Kingfisher 1, Goldeneye 1, Teal 19, Golden Plover circling then flew south (SCN), Peregrine 1, Chiffchaff 1
12thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 9 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult briefly (CMH), Cetti's Warbler 3, Siskin 2, Lesser Redpoll 1, Snipe 2, Green Sandpiper 1, Buzzard 4, Raven c7, Kestrel 1

Clouded Yellow, Tortoiseshell, Common Darter (D Peacock)                                                                                                                                           
11thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter this AM, a different bird to the one seen in the roost this week (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 14 (CMH), BRAMBLING 2 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 2 adults in the roost (CMH), PINTAIL 4, Lapwing c30, Water Rail 1                                                                                                                                            
10thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 14 (SCN), GREAT EGRET 1, PINTAIL 1, Goldeneye 1, Sparrowhawk 1                                                                                       
9thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 12 (SCN), GREAT EGRET 1, Raven 9, Little Grebe 12, Goldeneye 1, Green Sandpiper 2, Peregrine 1, PINTAIL 2, Chaffinch c25, Snipe 2, Lesser Redpoll 1                                                                                                                                              
8thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 10 including 8 drakes this AM (CMH), MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 2 adults in the roost (CMH), BRAMBLING 1 over (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, PINTAIL 2, Tawny Owl 1 roosting (CMH), Green Sandpiper 2, Water Rail 2, Cetti's Warbler 2, Chiffchaff 1, Goldeneye 1, Goosander 1 female                                                                                                                            
7thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 6 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 1, PINTAIL 2
Mediterranean Gull, first-winter (Chris Hubbard)
6thMERLIN 1 male across Blowers Lodge Bay at 16.45 (CMH), MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 1, Kingfisher 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, PINTAIL 1, Tawny Owl 1, Little Grebe 12, Shoveler c70                                                                                                                                                 
5thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost this evening (CMH/SCN), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, PINTAIL 6, Green Sandpiper 3, Water Raul 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Chiffchaff 1, Siskin 7, Lapwing 18, Pochard c30, Lesser Redpoll 3, Raven 15, Little Egret 1, Goldeneye 1

Mediterranean Gull, adult (Chris Hubbard)
4thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 5 (CMH), PINTAIL 5, Peregrine 2 (K Moore), Green Sandpiper 1                                                                                                                                            
3rdRED-CRESTED POCHARD 4                                                                                                                                               
2ndRED-CRESTED POCHARD 5 (SCN), Raven 12, Green Sandpiper 2, PINTAIL 1                                                                                                                           
1stRED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), Goldeneye 1, Teal 14                                                                                                                                           


31stRED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), PINTAIL 6 (CMH), Woodpigeon 1377 SW between 07.15 and 09.00 (CMH / M Townsend), Fieldfare c200, Greenfinch c100, Lesser Redpoll c30, GREAT EGRET 1, Siskin 5, Little Egret 2                                                                                                                                             
30thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 6 (CMH), RUDDY SHELDUCK 1 female on the dam (CMH), Raven 10, PINTAIL 9 (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Wigeon 528 (CMH), Green Sandpiper 1, Little Egret 2, Snipe 2, Little Grebe 27, Water Rail 1, Coot 329 (B&FG), BRAMBLING 2, Lesser Redpoll c30                                                                                                                   
29thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 6 (CMH), PINTAIL 11 (CMH), Little Egret 2, Snipe 4, Raven 10, Green Sandpiper 1, Raven 10                                                                                                                                              
28thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost this evening (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 6 (CMH), PINTAIL 12 (CMH), Little Egret 4, Green Sandpiper 1, Peregrine 1 over the dam (CMH), Red Kite 7

Mediterranean Gull (Chris Hubbard)
27thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 6 (CMH), PINTAIL 12 (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), EGYPTIAN GOOSE 2 on the point this evening (CMH),  Pochard 36, Water Rail 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, Chiffchaff 6, Little Egret 2

Red-crested Pochard (Chris Hubbard)
26thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 6 (CMH), PINTAIL 8, Water Rail 1, Little Egret 3                                                                                                                                                 
25thWOODCOCK 1 (M Townsend), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 6 (SCN), Raven 15, PINTAIL 2, Pochard 7                                                                                                                                
24thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), Water Rail 1, Chiffchaff 3, Little Egret 1, Green Sandpiper 2, Cetti's Warbler 2                                                                                                                                                   
23rdRED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 4, Green Sandpiper 2, Cetti's Warbler 2, Water Rail 1, Chiffchaff 4

Clouded Yellow Butterfly (S Wright)      
22ndMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost this evening (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), RUDDY SHELDUCK 1 female this AM (CMH), PINTAIL 10 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Grebe 36, Little Egret 2, Green Sandpiper 3, Pochard 14, Snipe 2, Goosander 2, Water Rail 2, Redwing c700, Fieldfare c200, Cetti's Warbler 3, Chiffchaff 6, Wigeon minimum of 380, Starling c2000, Snipe 2, Grey Wagtail 5, Meadow Pipit 2, Chiffchaff 5                                                                                                                                                  
21stGREENSHANK 1 high east calling over Keepers Lodge Bay, the 4th of 2022 (CMH), PINTAIL 9 (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), Goldeneye 1, GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 1                                                                                                                               
20thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), GOLDENEYE 2, the first of the autumn (CMH),  Green Sandpiper 3, PINTAIL 4 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, Water Rail 1, Lapwing 3                                                                                                                                                     
19thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 still (CMH) , GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 3, Kingfisher 1, PINTAIL 9 (CMH), Cetti's Warbler 2, Little Grebe 25, Green Sandpiper 3, YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), Lesser-Black-backed Gull c800 in the roost (CMH), Fieldfare 10, Redwing c150                                                                                                                                                    
18thRUDDY SHELDUCK 1 female this AM (CMH), Green Sandpiper 4, Snipe 3, GREAT EGRET 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Little Grebe 28, PINTAIL 2, Chiffchaff 6 on Leicestershire side, Lapwing 24, Bullfinch 12                                                                                                                                
17thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), Green Sandpiper 4, PINTAIL 5 (CMH), Snipe 1, GREAT EGRET 1                                                                                                                                                     
16thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), STONECHAT 2 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 2, Green Sandpiper 3                                                                                                                                 
15thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 still (CMH), Green Sandpiper 2, PINTAIL 5 (CMH), Little Egret 3, GREAT EGRET 1, STONECHAT 1 (CMH)                                                                                                                                
14th**YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER** 1 ringed this AM on the Northants side. The 8th ever ringed, 10th overall for the site and 2nd bird ringed in 2022 (SRG), *WHOOPER SWAN* 7 this evening, the first of 2022 (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), Green Sandpiper 3, GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 6, Snipe, Redwing 7, PINTAIL 4 (CMH), Water Rail 1

Whooper Swans (Chris Hubbard)

Yellow-browed Warbler, the 8th ever ringed at Stanford Reservoir (SRG)

125 new birds ringed today (SRG)                                                                                                                            
13th RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), Chiffchaff c10 on Leics bank, GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 3, STONECHAT 1 (CMH), PINTAIL 2, Cetti's Warbler 3, Green Sandpiper 1, Siskin 4, Lesser Redpoll 1 over

91 new birds ringed today (SRG)                                                                                                                                                                                                  
12th**YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER** 1 still this AM but only seen briefly at 08.30 (CMH), MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost this evening (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 including 2 drakes at the edge of Blowers Lodge Bay, GREAT EGRET 2, Little Egret 4, Goosander 1 male, Water Rail 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, Green Sandpiper 4, PINTAIL 3 (SCN) 

Mediterranean Gull (Chris Hubbard)

140 new birds ringed today (SRG)
11th**YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER** 1 still this morning on Leicestershire side near the reedbed but mobile (CMH), REDSTART 1 ringed this AM, the latest ever date (SRG), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 4, Green Sandpiper 1
Yellow-browed Warbler (Chris Hubbard)

137 new birds ringed today (SRG)
10th**YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER** 1 briefly around 15.15 near the Leics reedbed but no further sign despite searching, the 9th record for the site (SCN), STONECHAT 6 this AM (CMH), GREAT EGRET 2, Little Egret 6, Green Sandpiper 4, Water Rail 1, PINTAIL 1 (CMH), Snipe 1

Stonechat (Chris Hubbard)


70 new birds ringed today (SRG)                                                                                                                                    
9thGREAT EGRET 2, Little Egret 4, STONECHAT 2 behind the dam car park (S&MW), MERLIN 1 in Blowers Lodge Bay this AM, the first of 2022 (M Townsend), Green Sandpiper 3, PINTAIL 2, Reed Warbler 1 ringed this AM (SRG), Chiffchaff 130 ringed this AM (SRG) 

267 new birds ringed this AM (SRG)

Clouded Yellow in dam car park this PM (S&MW/CMH)                                                                                                                              
8thGREAT EGRET 2 (both unringed), Green Sandpiper 3, BRAMBLING 2 over (M Townsend), STONECHAT 2 (CB/CMH), House Martin c34, Cetti's Warbler 3, Lesser Redpoll 2 ringed, the first of the autumn (SRG), PINTAIL 3 (CMH), Little Grebe 32, Little Egret 4, Snipe 1

144 new birds ringed today and 12 retraps (SRG).

Lesser Redpoll ringed this AM (SRG)
7thWHEATEAR 1 around the dam / spillway this AM (CMH), Little Egret 6, Cetti's Warbler 1, House Martin 14, Meadow Pipit c30, Kingfisher 1, Green Sandpiper 3

Wheatear (Chris Hubbard)
6thCASPIAN GULL 1 adult or near adult in the roost this evening (CMH),  Great Black-backed Gull 6 in the roost this evening, PINTAIL 3 in Keepers Lodge Bay (CMH), BRAMBLING 2 briefly before flying west  (CMH), Green Sandpiper 3, Snipe 3, Little Egret 4, Goosander 1 female in the Narrows (CMH), Cetti's Warbler 3, House Martin c120, Swallow c10, Pochard 9, Skylark c25                                                                                                                          
5thLittle Egret 2, Green Sandpiper 2, Kingfisher 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, PINTAIL 1 (CMH)                               
4thPINTAIL 2 in Keepers Lodge Bay (CMH), Little Egret 4, House Sparrow 2, Kingfisher 1, Cetti's Warbler 2                                                                                                                               
3rdLittle Egret 3, Green Sandpiper 1, Kingfisher 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, Meadow Pipit 10, Snipe 2, GREAT EGRET 1 colour-ringed bird again this evening (CMH), Swallow 1                                                                                                                          
2nd**ROCK PIPIT** still present this early evening and showing well at times (CMH), HOUSE SPARROW 2 around the Lodge, the first at the site since 2020 (CMH), Green Sandpiper 3, Little Egret 4, Kingfisher 2, Swallow c30, House Martin c40, Tawny Owl 3, PINTAIL 1, BLACKCAP today the ringing group ringed their 4000th of 2022 (SRG), Cetti's Warbler the 23rd ringed of the year is a new annual record (SRG)  
Rock Pipit - still present this AM (CMH)

1st**ROCK PIPIT** the first since 2020, initially found by Adrian Borley and still present on the spillway at 16.30 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, PINTAIL 3 (CMH), Green Sandpiper 2, Little Egret 2, Blackcap 5, Kingfisher 1, Swallow c100, House Martin c100
Rock Pipit (Chris Hubbard)


Update on the colour-ringed GREAT EGRET seen on the 28th September - 'ABU' was ringed in the nest at Westhay Moor NNR, Somerset on 7th May 2022. It's a male (established through a DNA sample). It has also been seen in Lincs on 17th July, West Yorks on 4th August and Lincs on Sept 1st. Here is an image of the bird as it was ringed (courtesy of Alison Morgan at the RSPB). This is the first colour-ringed GREAT EGRET at the site (CMH).

Great Egret, colour ring ABU (RSPB)
30th**YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER** 1 ringed this AM, the 8th record for the site with 7 of these being ringed (SRG), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 2, STONECHAT 1 (CMH), Green Sandpiper 3, Swallow 6

Yellow-browed Warbler, a vagrant form Siberia (SRG)
29thPINTAIL 3 (CMH), GOLDEN PLOVER 21, the first of the autumn (CMH), Green Sandpiper 2, Snipe 5, Cetti's Warbler 2, Reed Warbler 1, House Martin c100, Swallow c150, Little Egret 2                                                                                                                              
28thGREAT EGRET 2 including a red-colour ringed bird 'ABU' which was ringed in Somerset - full details to come. This is the first colour ringed individual we have ever recorded at the site (CMH), Snipe 3, Green Sandpiper 4, Cetti's Warbler 2, Redwing 4, Little Egret 2, Kingfisher 2, Reed Warbler 4, Swallow c250, House Martin c150, Starling 3 ringed this evening (SRG)

Starling, the first to be ringed in 2022 (SRG)

Great Egret with red colour ring (Chris Hubbard)
27thGreen Sandpiper 3, Snipe 3, Little Egret 3, Raven 6, Swallow c150, House Martin c100, Pochard 4, PINTAIL 3 this evening in Keepers Lodge Bay (CMH), Cormorant 35, Black-headed Gull c250 in the roost, Starling c200 in to roost, Wigeon 114 (CMH), Common Gull 8                                                                                                                                   
26thGREAT EGRET 1, PINTAIL 1, Green Sandpiper 3, Little Egret 4, Cetti's Warbler 3, Kingfisher 1, House Martin c100, Swallow c75, Sand Martin 4, Chiffchaff c15, Raven 8                                                                                                                               
25thSPOTTED FLYCATCHER 1 (CMH), PINTAIL 1, Snipe 2, Little Egret 5, Swallow 7, Pochard 7, Red Kite 3, Raven 5, Meadow Pipit c15, Green Sandpiper 1, House Martin c100, Grey Wagtail 2, Common Buzzard 2, Treecreeper 1, Goldcrest 1, Chiffchaff c5

Speckled Wood and Common Blue Butterflies (S&MW)                                                                                                                                                  
24thSPOTTED FLYCATCHER 2 (CMH), Little Egret 3, Cetti's Warbler 4, Green Sandpiper 4, PINTAIL 1, Kingfisher 2, Great Black-backed Gull 1, Water Rail 1 juvenile, Snipe 3, Collared Dove 1 over, Redwing at least 3, the first of the autumn, House Martin c50, Sand Martin 5, Swallow 2

FOUND - GLASSES IN CASE AT THE DAM END YESTERDAY. CONTACT ME ON THE NUMBER ABOVE IF YOU THINK THEY ARE YOURS.                                                                                                                      
23rdCetti's Warbler 3, Green Sandpiper 2, PINTAIL 2 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 3, Kingfisher 1, Lapwing 1                                                                                                                         
22ndPINTAIL 1,  Green Sandpiper 4, GREAT EGRET 1, SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 1, Little Egret 3, Water Rail 1 juvenile, Yellow Wagtail 1, Canada goose c160, Cetti's Warbler 3, Pochard 3                                                                                                                           
21stCetti's Warbler 4, Green Sandpiper 4, SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 3 (SCN), Kingfisher 2, Raven 8, PINTAIL 1                                                                                                                                 
20thSPOTTED FLYCATCHER 4 (SCN), GOOSANDER 2 flew west (CMH), Cetti's Warbler 4, Yellow Wagtail 2, Green Sandpiper 2, Little Egret 2, Raven 8                                                                                                                                
19thHOBBY 1  ringed this evening, the 2nd ever (SRG), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 3 (CMH), Little Egret 2, PINTAIL 3 (CMH), Green Sandpiper 2, Snipe 1, Chiffchaff 75 ringed (SRG), Reed Warbler 6 ringed (SRG), Raven 10, Teal c40, Cetti's Warbler 3, Water Rail 1, Red Kite 4, Sparrowhawk 1, Meadow Pipit c80 feeding on the weed in Keepers Lodge Bay (CMH), Yellow Wagtail 1

207 new birds ringed (SRG). A signifiant landmark of the year was reached today with the 10,000th new bird of 2022 being ringed. 

Hobby (SRG)
18thOSPREY 1 over Blowers Lodge Bay (CMH), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 3, GREAT EGRET 1 (CMH), PINTAIL 1 (CB), Green Sandpiper 2, Little Egret 2, Kingfisher 2, Yellow Wagtail 1, Teal c40, House Martin / Sand Martin / Swallow c400 over Keepers Lodge Bay, Hobby 1, Raven 10, Snipe 1                                                                                                                                 
17th**CATTLE EGRET** 2 flew west at 08.44 but no further sign, only the 2nd and 3rd record for site following the one on August 28th (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 (CMH), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 4 (CMH), Little Egret 3, Green Sandpiper 2, Cetti's Warbler 3, PINTAIL 1 (CMH/CB), REDSHANK 1, the 18th of 2022 (GB), House Martin c400, Swallow c100, Sand Martin c10, Kingfisher 2, Raven 15, Red Kite 4, Lapwing 17, Grey Wagtail 8, Nuthatch 1, Yellow Wagtail 2

198 new birds ringed (SRG)                                                                                                                               
16thSPOTTED FLYCATCHER 3, Little Egret 2                                                                                                                             
15thREDSTART 1 ringed this AM (SRG), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 ringed (SRG), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 3 around the dam and 1 on the Leicestershire side (CMH), Kingfisher 1 ringed (SRG), PINTAIL 1 still (CMH), Little Egret 2, Raven 10, Meadow Pipit c30, Teal c30, Shoveler c35

Kingfisher (SRG)

Redstart (SRG)
14thPINTAIL 1 (CMH), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 3 (B Lee), Green Sandpiper 1, Cetti's Warbler 3, Chiffchaff at least 12, Little Egret 2, Reed Warbler 2, Lesser Black-backed Gull c200, Raven 5, Red Kite 2                                                                                                                             
13thSTONECHAT 1 ringed this AM, the first of 2022 (SRG), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 1 ringed (SRG), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 2 ringed (SRG), Garden Warbler 1 ringed (SRG) Common Sandpiper 1, Little Egret 2, Kingfisher 1, Lapwing 12, GOOSANDER 1 flew east this evening (CMH), Green Sandpiper 1, PINTAIL 1 on the point this evening (CMH)

Stonechat (Chris Hubbard)

Stonechat (Chris Hubbard)
12thSPOTTED FLYCATCHER 2 (CMH), PINTAIL 1 (CMH), Raven c20, Little Grebe 30, Pochard 7, Cetti's Warbler 2, Common Sandpiper 1, Green Sandpiper 1, mixed hirundines c400 moving SW between 07.00 and 08.30, Lapwing 14                                                                                                                             
11thSPOTTED FLYCATCHER 3 around the dam (CMH) and another at the point (S&MW), Little Egret 1, Yellow Wagtail 6, Meadow Pipit 3, Peregrine 1, Common Sandpiper 1, Green Sandpiper 1, Red Kite 5, Kingfisher 1, Raven 3

Clouded Yellow and Red Admiral (S&MW)                                                                                                                              
10thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 5 initially near the dam and then on the point, mid PM (CMH),  OSPREY 1 (CMH/CB), Little Egret 5, Cetti's Warbler 1, Water Rail 1, Kingfisher 1, Common Sandpiper 1, REDSHANK 1 on the point early AM (CMH), PINTAIL 1, Peregrine 1, Teal 30, Wigeon 84

Last weekends colour ringed Ruff (orange ring on left, lime green flag with code PPS on right) was ringed in Blindheimsvikane, Norway on 27th August 2022. It was a female. The ringing location is 1204km away from Stanford Reservoir.                                                                                                                               
9thGRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 ringed this AM (SRG), Green Sandpiper 1, Little Egret 1, Hobby 2, House Martin c200, Swallow c200, Meadow Pipit c10 over

300 new birds ringed this AM (SRG)                                                                                                                           
8th***BLYTH'S REED WARBLER*** 1 ringed this AM, the first for Northamptonshire and the site (SRG), REDSTART 1 ringed this AM (SRG), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER  1 around the gate to the rail track (CMH), WHINCHAT 1 in Blowers Lodge Bay near the old bench (CMH), PINTAIL 2 (CMH), Yellow Wagtail 22 (CMH), Meadow Pipit 15, Green Sandpiper 2, Common Sandpiper 2, GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 5 ringed this AM (SRG), Little Egret 2, Kingfisher 1

379 new birds ringed this AM (SRG)

Blyth's Reed Warbler, the first record for Northants (SRG)

Blyth's Reed Warbler, the first record for Northants (SRG)
7thPINTAIL 2 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 4, Green Sandpiper 2, Water Rail 1, Meadow Pipit 2, Cetti's Warbler 5, Wigeon c70, Pochard 2, Snipe 3, Raven 12, Little Grebe 22, House Martin c300, Sand Martin c100, Swallow c200, Swift 1, Yellow Wagtail 3, Teal c25, Red Kite 4, Little Egret 3                                                                                                                              
6thREDSTART 1 ringed this AM (SRG), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 ringed this AM (SRG), Yellow Wagtail 2 ringed this AM (SRG)

256 new birds ringed today (SRG)                                                                                                                             
5thWHINCHAT 1 ( B Morley), Common Sandpiper 1, Green Sandpiper 1, PINTAIL 2 (CMH), Snipe 5, Little Egret 3, Kingfisher 2, Wigeon c60, Cetti's Warbler 5, Red Kite 3, Yellow Wagtail 3, Buzzard 2, Little Grebe 12                                                                                                                              
4th*RUFF* 1 colour ringed bird still until early evening (CMH), WHINCHAT 1 (CB), REDSTART 1 (CMH), Little Egret 4, PINTAIL 1 (CMH), Green Sandpiper 1, Wigeon 42, Yellow Wagtail 18 (SCN) 
Colour ringed Ruff (Chris Hubbard)

3rd*RUFF* 1 briefly on the dam at 06.15 (presumably the bird from earlier in the week) and then a colour ringed bird at the point late PM (CMH), WHINCHAT 4, 1 ringed and 3 other un-ringed birds seen (SRG/CMH), REDSTART 4, 2 ringed 2 other un-ringed birds seen (SRG/CMH/CB), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1, PINTAIL 5 (CMH), Hobby 1, Green Sandpiper 1, Yellow Wagtail 14, Cetti's Warbler 2

Whinchat, the 4th to be ringed in 2022 (SRG)
2ndSPOTTED FLYCATCHER (PDH), PINTAIL 6 (CMH), Little Egret 2, Cetti's Warbler 1, Yellow Wagtail 2, Kingfisher 1, Hobby 1, Little Grebe 26, Lesser Whitethroat 1

Pintail - drake in eclipse (Chris Hubbard)
1st*RUFF* 1 still (CMH), REDSTART 1 ringed this AM (SRG), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 6 ringed this AM (SRG) Blackcap 165 ringed this AM (SRG), PINTAIL 8 (SCN), Green Sandpiper 2, Yellow Wagtail 5, Teal c32, Cetti's Warbler 1, Little Egret 1, Kingfisher 1, Raven 4, Shoveler c40

242 new birds ringed and 5 retraps (SRG)                                                                                                                              


                       Between 20/8 and 30/8 (11 days) the ringing group ringed an astonishing 3076 new birds at the site. As at the end of August the overall 2022 species list stands at 139.                                                                                                                                 
31st*RUFF* 1, the first at the site since 2019 (CMH), Little Egret 1, Little Grebe 21, Green Sandpiper 1, Snipe 1, Yellow Wagtail 4

Ruff (Chris Hubbard)

30th**WRYNECK** ringed this AM (SRG), REDSTART 5 ringed this AM (SRG)
Wryneck, the 5th ringed at the site (SRG)

Wryneck (SRG)
29thWHINCHAT 1 ringed this AM, the 4th of the week (SRG), REDSTART 2 ringed this AM (SRG), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 2 (S&MW), Green Sandpiper 3, Oystercatcher 12 in flight over the poplars this PM (S&MW), Little Egret 2, Shoveler 12, Snipe 3, Lapwing c60, Kingfisher 1, Yellow Wagtail 3, Little Grebe 21, Wigeon 3, Water Rail 1, Cetti's Warbler 4, Teal 5, Hobby 1 (no sign of the Cattle Egret today despite searching)

398 new birds ringed today (SRG)

Whinchat (SRG)

Snipe (Chris Hubbard)
28th***CATTLE EGRET*** 1 adult summer this morning and again late PM, the first ever to be recorded at Stanford Reservoir (CMH), *PIED FLYCATCHER* 1 ringed this morning, only the 3rd ever ringed (SRG), MARSH HARRIER 1, REDSTART 1 ringed this AM (SRG), TAWNY OWL 1 ringed this AM (SRG), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 8 ringed this AM (SRG), Little Egret 1, Green Sandpiper 3, Raven 8, Hobby 2, Teal 4, Yellow Wagtail 10

445 new birds ringed today and 25 retraps     

Pied Flycatcher (SRG)
Cattle Egret, the first for the site (Chris Hubbard)
27th    REDSTART 1 male ringed this AM (SRG), WHINCHAT 1 ringed this AM (SRG), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 5 ringed this AM (SRG), Yellow Wagtail 5, Green Sandpiper 1, Oystercatcher 1, Snipe 1, Little Egret 2, Hobby 1

430 new birds ringed today and 40 retraps (SRG)
Whinchat (SRG)

Male Redstart (SRG)
26thWHINCHAT 3 (2 ringed - the first in 2022) this AM (SRG/CMH), WHEATEAR 1 male (CMH), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 4 ringed this AM (SRG), Green Sandpiper 1, Yellow Wagtail 12, Little Egret 4, Raven 5,       

276 new birds ringed today and 20 retraps (SRG)

Whinchat - male and female (Chris Hubbard)
25thGRASSHOPPER WARBLER 2 ringed this AM (SRG), Reed Warbler 1 juvenile control with a Dutch ring (SRG), GREENSHANK 1 briefly, the third of 2022 ( M Townsend), Hobby 1, Yellow Wagtail c20, Grey Heron 7, Little Egret 1, Common Sandpiper 2, Green Sandpiper 2, Oystercatcher 1

198 new birds ringed today (SRG)                                                                                                                          
24th*REDSTART* 2 including 1 ringed (CMH/SRG), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER  1 ringed this AM (SRG), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 ringed this AM (SRG), MARSH HARRIER 1 juvenile this AM (CMH/CB), WHEATEAR 2 this PM near the dam (Kate Moore), DUNLIN 1 late PM (Kate Moore), Common Sandpiper 2, Green Sandpiper 2, Yellow Wagtail 16 (CMH), House Martin c100, Swallow c100, Swift 1, Little Egret 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Teal 5, Oystercatcher 2

239 new birds ringed and 59 retraps (SRG)
Female Redstart (SRG)
Wheatear (Chris Hubbard)

23rdGRASSHOPPER WARBLER 3 ringed this AM (SRG), Kingfisher 2 including a juvenile ringed this AM (SRG), Green Sandpiper 2, Raven 5, Common Sandpiper 1, Yellow Wagtail 7, Cetti's Warbler 1, Little Egret 2, Wigeon 3, Shoveler 12, Teal 5, Lapwing 14, Oystercatcher 1

114 new birds ringed and 60 retraps (SRG)

Common Sandpiper (Chris Hubbard)

Kingfisher (SRG)
22nd*REDSTART* 1 (CMH), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 4 ringed (SRG), Green Sandpiper 3 (PDH), Common Sandpiper 1, Yellow Wagtail 3, SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 2 at the Point (CMH), Little Egret 1, Wigeon 1, Teal 1, Snipe 1, Oystercatcher 1, Hobby 2, Raven 10 (CMH)

342 new birds ringed and 58 retraps (SRG)                                                                                                                             
Grasshopper Warbler - 1 of 4 ringed this AM (SRG)

21st*BLACK TERN* 2 juveniles this AM and still present late evening, the 2nd and 3rd of 2022 (CMH), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 4 ringed this AM (SRG), WHINCHAT 1 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 1, Green Sandpiper 1, SHELDUCK 1 (CMH/CB), Snipe 3, Hobby 2, Wigeon 1, SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 1, Swift 5, Yellow Wagtail 4, Little Egret 2

197 new birds ringed (SRG)
Black Terns (Chris Hubbard)

Clouded Yellow 1 (S&MW)                                                                                                                            
20th*REDSTART* 3 ringed this AM (SRG), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 1 ringed this AM (SRG), GREAT EGRET 1 (P Norrie), Common Sandpiper 1, Green Sandpiper 2, Peregrine 1, Hobby 1, Little Egret 1, Little Grebe 16, Yellow Wagtail 2, Pochard 2

204 new birds ringed (SRG)
Redstart (SRG)
19thBLACK-TAILED GODWIT 17 flew through this morning taking our 2022 total to 52 (PDH), WHINCHAT 1 (CMH), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 1 (CMH), Peregrine 1, Hobby 1, Green Sandpiper 2, Common Sandpiper 2, Lapwing 45, Sparrowhawk 1, Yellow Wagtail 3, Pochard 2, Common Tern 3, Snipe 4, Kingfisher 1, Swift 1

Snipe (Chris Hubbard)
18thSPOTTED FLYCATCHER 5 (CMH), Snipe 3, Green Sandpiper 2, Common Sandpiper 2, Common Tern 1, Teal 7, Yellow Wagtail 7, Lapwing c80, Pochard 2, Peregrine 1 carrying prey, Hobby 1                                                                                                                               
17thCommon Sandpiper 1, Teal 6, Shoveler 3, Swallow c200, House Martin c100, Sand Martin 5                                                                                                                              
16thCommon Sandpiper 3, SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 4 (CMH), Yellow Wagtail 7, Hobby 1, Pochard 2, Red Kite 4, Little Egret 1, Raven 2, Lesser Whitethroat 3, Swallow c150 around the dam this evening, Goldfinch c30 around the dam                                                                                                                               
15thWHINCHAT 1 this evening around the dam, the first of the autumn (CMH), REDSTART 1 (CMH), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 2 ringed this AM (SRG) and 2 near the Lodge (A Herbert/CMH), Yellow Wagtail 5, Common Sandpiper 3, Lesser Whitethroat 2, Wigeon 1, Green Sandpiper 2, Shoveler 6, Raven 2, Snipe 3 flying around Blowers Lodge Bay (CMH), Hobby 1, Kingfisher 3 

123 new birds ringed today and 47 retraps (SRG)

Spotted Flycatcher (SRG)
14th*GARGANEY* 1 drake in eclipse, the 3rd of 2022 (CMH), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 2 at the point, 1 at the dam and c6 along the drive down to the dam (CMH/SCN), Hobby 1, Raven 2, Wigeon 1, GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 (CMH), Little Egret 1, Shoveler 12, Tufted Duck 1 still with blue nasal saddle (CMH), Yellow Wagtail 6 

Garganey (Chris Hubbard)
13thSPOTTED FLYCATCHER 1 ringed this AM and a further 6 along the road down to the dam (SRG/CMH), Raven 4, Green Sandpiper 1
Spotted Flycatcher (Chris Hubbard)
12th*CORN BUNTING*  1 very briefly this AM, the first since 2016 (CMH), REDSTART 1 this AM showing well at times between the orchard and bench in Blowers Lodge Bay (CMH), Raven 10, Red Kite 4, GREAT EGRET 1 (PDH), Green Sandpiper 1, Teal 4, Little Grebe 28 (CMH), Kingfisher 1, Hobby 2

Redstart (Chris Hubbard)
11thREDSHANK 1 flew through early AM, the 15th of 2022 (CMH), Green Sandpiper 1, Wigeon 1, Raven 3, Lesser Whitethroat 5, Red Kite 4, Teal 4, Shoveler 6, Great Black-backed Gull 1, Wigeon 1                                                                                                                                 
10thREDSTART 2 ringed this morning on the Leicestershire side, the first of 2022 (SRG), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 ringed this AM, Raven 10, Wigeon 1, Little Grebe 29 (CMH), Red Kite 5, Kingfisher 1, Teal 4, Hobby 1, Green Sandpiper 1, Lapwing c60

273 new birds ringed today on Leics side of the reservoir (SRG)

Redstarts, the first of 2022 (CMH / SRG)
9th*BLACK-TAILED GODWIT* 1, the 35th of 2022 (CMH), Green Sandpiper 1, SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 1 (CMH), Raven 4, Yellow Wagtail 1, Little Grebe 20, Little Egret 1, Grey Heron 6, Sparrowhawk 2, Pochard 2, Teal 3, Shoveler 3

The BTO have confirmed that the Black headed Gull from the 3rd June 2022 with a blue colour ring (2CCN) was ringed as a nestling at Rutland Water on 9th June 2021 (CMH).

Black-headed Gull with colour ring 2CCN (Chris Hubbard)
8thOSPREY 1 (M Townsend), Raven 6, Little Grebe 23, Sparrowhawk 2, Red Kite 4, Yellow Wagtail 1

228 new birds ringing this AM. also, 2 controls and 28 retraps.                                                                                                                                
7thTREE PIPIT 1, the first of 2022 (CMH), OSPREY 1 (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult this PM (CMH), Raven 5, Cetti's Warbler 2, Lesser Whitethroat 5, Teal 2, Shoveler 2, Grey Wagtail 3, Little Egret 1, Red Kite 5, Hobby 1, Grey Heron 4, Green Woodpecker 1, Lapwing 5, Little Grebe 9

Tree Pipit - the first of 2022 (Chris Hubbard)
6thOSPREY 1 (ET), DUNLIN 1 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 1, Snipe 1 over, GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 ringed this AM (SRG), Hobby 1, Raven 2

383 new birds ringed today (SRG)                                                                                                                                
5th*BLACK-TAILED GODWIT* 4 early evening, taking the running total for 2022 to 34 birds (CMH), OSPREY 1 (PDH), Green Sandpiper 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, Teal 2, Lapwing c50, Raven 2, Teal 5                                                                                                                               
4thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 juvenile (CMH), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 1 at the Point early AM (CMH), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 ringed this AM (SRG), Lapwing 14, Raven 10 (CMH), Kingfisher 1, Cormorant 15, Gadwall c25

235 new birds ringed today, 32 re-traps and 3 controls (SRG)

Mediterranean Gull record images (Chris Hubbard)
3rdDUNLIN 1 briefly this evening (CMH), Black-headed Gull c190, Common Gull 3, Shoveler 5, Lapwing 2, Raven 1, Kingfisher 1, Little Egret 1                                                                                                                              
2ndYELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult this AM (CMH), Green Sandpiper 1, Shoveler 8, Teal 1, Common Sandpiper 1, Little Egret 1, Hobby 1, Raven 3                                                                                                                              
1stWATER RAIL 1 heard (PDH), Hobby 1, Lesser Whitethroat 5, Teal 1, Shoveler 5, Wigeon 1, Little Grebe 20 (13 Juveniles) this evening (SCN), Common Gull 6, Lapwing c45                                                                                                                                 


31stYELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 juvenile (CMH), Oystercatcher 1, Common Sandpiper 1, Hobby 1, Shoveler 3, Teal 6, Raven 9, Little Egret 1, Red Kite 3, Cetti's Warbler 2, Common Gull 1                                                                                                                              
30thGRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 ringed this AM on the Leicestershire side (SRG), MARSH HARRIER 1 female, a different bird to the last 3 days (S Whittle), OSPREY 1 juvenile (S Whittle), Green Sandpiper 1, Tufted Duck 1 with 5 young, Common Gull 3, Common Sandpiper 1, Shoveler 6, Teal 4, PEREGRINE 1 (CMH), Cetti's Warbler 5 ringed in the Leicestershire reedbed this AM (SRG), Reed Warbler 72 new adults ringed and a further 30 retraps  (SRG)                                                                                                                       
29th*GARGANEY* 1 still (CMH), MARSH HARRIER 1 juvenile at 07.00 (CMH) and again at 09.23 (PDH), Tufted Duck 1 with blue nasal saddle fitted (awaiting information on this bird), Common Sandpiper 2, Little Grebe 11 (PDH), Hobby 1, Raven 9, Shoveler 3, PEREGRINE 1 this AM (PDH), Green Sandpiper 1                                                                                                                                 
28thOSPREY 1 early morning (CMH), MARSH HARRIER 1 juvenile again this evening (CMH/SCN), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult (CMH), Common Sandpiper 2, Lesser Whitethroat 2, Greylag Goose 222 in Keepers Lodge Bay (CMH), Raven 2, Red Kite 2, Lesser Black-backed Gull c280 (CMH), Little Egret 1, Kingfisher 2, Common Gull 4, Wigeon 1

Marsh Harrier (Chris Hubbard)

69 new birds ringed today (SRG)                                                                                                                           
27th*GARGANEY* 1 still (CMH),  MARSH HARRIER 1 juvenile briefly this evening, the 4th record of 2022 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 1, Kingfisher 2, Hobby 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Garden Warbler 1, Shoveler 7, Treecreeper 3 juveniles, Cetti's Warbler 2, Raven 3, Tufted Duck 95, Teal 4, Wigeon 1                                                                                                 
26th*GARGANEY* 1 still (CMH), WATER RAIL 3 including 2 juveniles on the Leicestershire side of the reservoir. The first known evidence of breeding at the site (CMH), Common Tern 18, Little Egret 1, Shoveler 7 

120 new birds ringed today (SRG)        
25th*GARGANEY* 1 still (CMH), *BLACK-TAILED GODWIT* 6 early AM only, this takes the 2022 total to 30 birds (CMH), Little Egret 3, Pochard 1, Raven 2, Kingfisher 1, Shoveler 6, Common Tern at least 8 juveniles, Hobby 1, Lapwing 17         
5 of the 6 Black-tailed Godwits (Chris Hubbard)
24th*GARGANEY* 1 still (CMH), MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 juvenile briefly (CMH), Little Grebe 14, Pochard 5, Mute Swan 142, Red Kite 3, Raven 4, Hobby 2, Pochard 5, Tufted Duck 3 broods of 5, 4 and 2 ducklings

Clouded Yellow (CMH)        

Mediterranean Gull juvenile (Chris Hubbard)
23rd*GARGANEY* 1 (CMH), OSPREY 1 (ET), Yellow Wagtail 1, Little Grebe 14, Common Sandpiper 1

119 new birds ringed today (SRG)                                                                                                                     
22nd*GARGANEY* 1 still (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult briefly (CMH), Common Sandpiper 2, Kingfisher 1, Teal 2, Hobby 1, Little Grebe 13, Little Egret 1, Raven 18 (CMH)                                                                                                                              
21st*GARGANEY* 1 still (CMH), REDSHANK 1, the 15th of 2022 (CMH), Hobby 1, Common Sandpiper 2, Teal 1, Kingfisher 1, Little Grebe 10, Wigeon 1 

Garganey (Chris Hubbard)
20th*GARGANEY* 1 still (CMH), DUNLIN 1 on the dam this evening, the 7th of 2022 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 4, Teal 1, Kingfisher 1, Little Grebe 10, Lesser whitethroat 1 juvenile ringed on Leicestershire side (SRG), REDSTART 1 probable but only seen briefly (PDH)

Dunlin (Chris Hubbard)
19th*GARGANEY* 1 still (CMH), Common Sandpiper 5, Shoveler 2, Teal 1, Pochard 1, Wigeon 1, Little Egret 6, Kingfisher 1, Lapwing 18, Tufted Duck 1 still with blue nasal saddle (CMH), Oystercatcher 1, Yellow Wagtail 1, Raven 1                                                                                                                            
18th*GARGANEY* 1 still (CMH), LITTLE RINGED PLOVER 1 juvenile on the dam (CMH), Common Sandpiper 3, Little Egret 5, Tufted Duck 1 fitted with a blue nasal saddle but still trying to get a clear view of the code. if anyone gets any images please send through to me so we can establish its life history (CMH)                                                                                                                                 
17th*GARGANEY* 1 still, LITTLE RINGED PLOVER 1 juvenile (CMH), Little Egret 9, Little Grebe 15, Common Sandpiper 4, Shoveler 1, Teal 1                                                                                                                                 
16th*GARGANEY* 1 still (CMH), Hobby 1, Little Egret 11, Little Grebe 14, Pochard 1, Cormorant 11, Common Gull 1, Common Sandpiper 4, Yellow Wagtail 1, Oystercatcher 2, Red Kite 3, Teal 1, Common Tern c20                                                                                                                                
15th*GARGANEY* 1 still, Little Egret 10, Little Grebe 14, Common Sandpiper 4 (ET), Raven 6, Hobby 1                                                                                                                                 
14th*BLACK-TAILED GODWIT* 1, the 24th of 2022 (CMH), *GARGANEY* 1 still (CMH), LITTLE RINGED PLOVER 1 (CMH), Little Egret 12, Little Grebe 12, Hobby 2, Common Sandpiper 1, Oystercatcher 1, Teal 3, Raven 4, Pochard 3, Red Kite 2, Cetti's Warbler 1, Yellow Wagtail 1                                                                                                                                
13th*BLACK-TAILED GODWIT* 10 this evening, 23 in total for 2022 (CMH), *GARGANEY* still this AM (CMH), Hobby 2, Common Sandpiper 2, Lapwing 17, Yellow Wagtail 1, Little Egret 7, Little Grebe 8, Teal 3, Wigeon 1, Kingfisher 1

Black-tailed Godwits (Chris Hubbard)
12th*GARGANEY* 1 at the edge of Blowers Lodge Bay this PM, the 2nd of 2022 (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 early AM (CMH), HOBBY 1 ringed this AM, the first ever at the site (SRG), Common Sandpiper 1, Little Egret 7, Teal 4, Wigeon 1

Yellow-legged Gull (Chris Hubbard)

Hobby - the first ever to be ringed at Stanford (SRG)

Hobby - the first ever to be ringed at Stanford (SRG)

Garganey (Chris Hubbard)
11thOSPREY 1 (PDH), Little Egret 3, Wigeon 1, Teal 2, Oystercatcher 1, Common Sandpiper 1, Lapwing 14, Kingfisher 1, Great Crested Grebe first young of 2022, Tufted Duck 1 with 5 ducklings still                                                                                                                             
10th*BLACK-TAILED GODWIT* 2 on the dam until late afternoon at least, 13 in total for 2022 (CMH), Little Egret 10 including a group of 9 that flew in together (M Townsend), Common Sandpiper 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, Hobby 1, Yellow Wagtail 1, Kingfisher 1, Raven 2, Oystercatcher 2, Red Kite 2, Mute Swan 120, Tufted Duck 1 female with 5 young still

Black-tailed Godwits (Chris Hubbard)
9th*BLACK-TAILED GODWIT* 7 in total today (1 this AM, 2 on the dam and another 4 at the point late PM), a total of 11 for 2022 so far (CMH), Little Egret 2, Common Sandpiper 3, Teal 2, Cetti's Warbler 3, Little Grebe 1 juvenile, Kingfisher 1, Grey Heron 6

Black-tailed Godwit (Chris Hubbard)
8thOSPREY 1 for around 5 minutes this evening (CMH), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 reeling this AM near box 24 (M Townsend/CMH), Common Sandpiper 2, Cetti's Warbler 2, Teal 2, Tufted Duck 1 with 5 ducklings, Little Egret 1

(No sound of the Common Quail this AM)                                                                                                                             
7th**COMMON QUAIL** 1 singing briefly this AM on the Leicestershire side of the reservoir, the first since 2014 (CMH) - recording posted on the twitter feed, *BLACK-TAILED GODWIT* 1 briefly this AM before flying SW, the 4th of 2022 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 4, Little Egret 2, Cetti's Warbler 2, Tufted Duck 1 with 5 ducklings, Lapwing 2, Wigeon 1, Teal 2, Hobby 1, Kingfisher 1             

Black-tailed Godwit (Chris Hubbard)
6thLITTLE RINGED PLOVER 1 early AM (CMH), Little Egret 2, CUCKOO 1, Green Woodpecker 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Common Sandpiper 3, Yellow Wagtail 1, Wigeon 1, Teal 2, Shoveler 1, Hobby 2                                                                                                                               
5th*REDSHANK* 12 on the dam this evening, presumably the same birds as Sunday (CMH), Common Sandpiper 4, Hobby 1, Green Sandpiper 1, Teal 3, GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 2, Yellow Wagtail 1 ringed this AM, the first of 2022 (SRG)

12 Redshank on the dam (Chris Hubbard)
4thCURLEW 1 SW this AM (CMH), Common Sandpiper 7 on the dam (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 (CMH), Little Egret 4, Teal 2, Tufted Duck 1 with 7 ducklings, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Cetti's Warbler 3, Oystercatcher 4, Hobby 1                                                                                                                         
3rd*REDSHANK* 13 in total. 1 this AM and 12 more dropped in early evening and stayed around an hour. This is a new site record for this species (CMH), Green Sandpiper 1 (CMH), CUCKOO 1 (CB), Little Egret 3, Cetti's Warbler 4, Tufted Duck 1 female for 7 ducklings (CMH), Yellow Wagtail 2, Pochard 1, Shoveler 1, Teal 2, Common Tern still several pairs with at least 10 young (CMH), Lesser Whitethroat 1, Hobby 2, Oystercatcher 2, Kingfisher 1

Redshank (Chris Hubbard)

12 Redshank from this evening (Chris Hubbard)
2ndOystercatcher 2, Hobby 2, Swift c60, Pochard 1 male, Red Kite 1, Common Tern 8 on the dam early evening, Wigeon 1, KINGFISHER 1 juvenile ringed this AM (SRG)
Juvenile Kingfisher (SRG)
1stWigeon 1, Swift c20, Little Grebe 1 juvenile

As at the half year point the overall site list for 2022 stands at 131 species (excluding Ruddy Shelduck and White-tailed Eagle)                                                                                                                             


26thHobby 3, Lapwing 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Red Kite 3, Mistle Thrush 1, Green Woodpecker 1

Marbled White butterfly 1, the first of 2022 (S&MW)

Red Kite (Dan March)
24thPied Wagtail c12, Oystercatcher 2, Black-headed Gull 2 juveniles, Shoveler 2, CUCKOO 1 female, Little Egret 1, Lesser Whitethroat 2                                                                                                                            
23rdCUCKOO 2, Wigeon 1, Shoveler 1, Teal 2, Gadwall 1 adult with 6 young, Little Egret 2, Cetti's Warbler 3, Black-headed Gull 3 juveniles                                                                                                                             
22ndCUCKOO 1, Little Grebe 1, Raven 3, Little Egret 2, Cetti's Warbler 3, Shoveler 2, Wigeon 1, Teal 1, Yellow Wagtail 2, Lapwing 2, Oystercatcher 2, Mistle Thrush 1, Black-headed Gull 4 juveniles                                                                                                                               
21stOSPREY 1 briefly at 13.00 (CMH), Little Egret 1, Mute Swan c110, Teal 1, Shoveler 1, Wigeon 1, CUCKOO 1, Barn Owl 1, Cetti's Warbler 3

Osprey (Chris Hubbard)
20thCUCKOO 1 female, Gadwall 1 female with 6 young, Yellow Wagtail 2, Wigeon 1, Shoveler 3, Raven 5, Cetti's Warbler 3, Swift c40, Black-headed Gull 1 juvenile, Little Egret 1, Teal 1, Lapwing 2                                                                                                                               
19thCommon Snipe 1 briefly this AM (CMH), CUCKOO 1, Oystercatcher 2, Hobby 4 (SCN), Shoveler 2, Teal 1, Wigeon 1, Cetti's Warbler 4, Little Egret 1, Swift c60, Gadwall 1 with a single duckling, Barn Owl 1                                                                                                                                
18thOystercatcher 1, Hobby 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, CUCKOO 1, Wigeon 1, Shoveler 2, Teal 1, Swift c100, Little Egret 1                                                                                                                               
17thHobby 1, CUCKOO 2, Wigeon 1, Shoveler 2, Cetti's Warbler 2, Teal 1, Oystercatcher 2                                                                                                                                
16thOSPREY 1 (SCN), Barn Owl 1, Shoveler 2, Teal 1, Wigeon 1, Oystercatcher 1, Yellow Wagtail 1, Lesser Black-backed Gull 17 west (CMH), Gadwall 1 female with 5 ducklings (SCN), Little Grebe 2 including 1 juvenile                                                                                                                               
15th*BLACK-TAILED GODWIT* 3 of the nominate race limosa which are much rarer than icelandica in Northamptonshire / Leicestershire. Present from lunchtime until 15.35 at least, the first of 2022 (CMH), Oystercatcher 2, Wigeon 1, Pochard 3, CUCKOO 1

Black-tailed Godwits (Chris Hubbard)
Black-tailed Godwit (Chris Hubbard)
14thShoveler 2, Wigeon 1, Pochard 2, Cetti's Warbler 2, Kingfisher 1                                                                                                                        
13th*ARCTIC TERN* 1 first-summer this evening (CMH), Shelduck 1, Pochard 2 drakes, Hobby 1, CUCKOO 2, Mistle Thrush 3, Cetti's Warbler 3, Wigeon 1, Oystercatcher 2, Barn Owl 1, Raven 4, Grey Heron 3 including 2 juveniles (CMH), Swift c60
Arctic Tern (Chris Hubbard)
Arctic Tern (Chris Hubbard)
12thHobby 1, CUCKOO 2 (S&MW), Hobby 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, Pochard 2, Oystercatcher 2, Wigeon 1

Large Skipper, Painted Lady (S&MW)                                                                                                                                  
11thCUCKOO 2, Hobby 3, Cetti's Warbler 2, Shelduck 1, Pochard 2, Yellow Wagtail 2                                                                                                                                
10thCUCKOO 1, Wigeon 1, Pochard 1 drake, Hobby 2, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Nuthatch 1, Oystercatcher 2, SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 1 this evening, the first of 2022 (SCN)                                                                                                                        
9thCUCKOO 1, Barn Owl 1, Hobby 1, Oystercatcher 2, Mute Swan 115, Wigeon 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, Shelduck 1                                                                                                                                     
8thCUCKOO 1, Hobby 1, Oystercatcher 2, Wigeon 1                                                                                                                                     
7thCetti's Warbler 3, CUCKOO 3, Little Egret 1, Lapwing 2, Kestrel 2, Buzzard 4, Red Kite 2, Common Tern c13, Barn Owl 1, Wigeon 1                                                                                                                                  
5thCUCKOO 1, Swift c100, Wigeon 1, Little Egret 2, Cetti's Warbler 3, Mistle Thrush 3, Red Kite 6, Yellow Wagtail 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Sparrowhawk 1                                                                                                                              
4thCUCKOO 1, Swift c70, Wigeon 1, Little Egret 1, Hobby 1                                                                                                                                     
3rdCUCKOO 1, Wigeon 1, Greylag Goose c125, Cetti's Warbler 3, Little Egret 2, Black-headed Gull 6 including a colour-ringed bird (blue 2CCN) which we are waiting for information on (CMH)                                                                                                                              
2ndOSPREY 1 seen twice this AM (M Townsend), GREAT EGRET 1 towards Stanford Hall (M Townsend), CUCKOO 2, Cetti's Warbler 2, Wigeon 1, Yellow Wagtail 1, Tree Sparrow 1 on Leicestershire feeders, Nuthatch 1

Otter 3 this AM (CMH)                                                                                                                                      
1stCUCKOO 1, Hobby 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Swift c60                                                                                                                           


31stCUCKOO 2, Cetti's Warbler 3, SHELDUCK 6 (CMH), Wigeon 1, Little Egret 1, Hobby 1, Swift c80, Oystercatcher 1                                                                                                                             
30th*BLACK TERN* 1 this AM and still present this evening, the first of 2022 (PDH), CUCKOO 3, Wigeon 1, SHELDUCK 2, Swift c60, Cetti's Warbler 3, Little Egret 2, Tree Sparrow 2 on the Leicester feeders
Black Tern - the first of 2022 (Chris Hubbard)

Black Tern (Chris Hubbard)
29thWigeon 1, Common Tern 17 including a new colour-ringed bird, U19 (SCN), Oystercatcher 1                                                                                                                               
28thBarn Owl 1, SHELDUCK 2, Wigeon 1                                                                                                                                    
27thSHELDUCK 2 (PDH), Swift c30                                                                                                                            
26thHobby 1, Swift c50, Wigeon 1, Mute Swan 93, CUCKOO 1                                                                                                                                        
25thCUCKOO 2, Swift 25, Wigeon 1                                                                                                                              
24thCUCKOO 3, Wigeon 1, SHELDUCK 1, Tree Sparrow 1 on the Leicestershire feeders, Oystercatcher 1, Cetti's Warbler 2                                                                                                                  
23rdCUCKOO 2, Wigeon 1, SHELDUCK 2, Red Kite 5, Cetti's Warbler 3, Mute Swan 59

Barn Owl image taken recently by Paul Bunyard

Barn Owl image taken recently by Paul Bunyard
22ndOystercatcher 1, CUCKOO 2, Hobby 1, Wigeon 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Cetti's Warbler 3, Swift 3

Butterflies - Common Blue, Brown Argus, Painted Lady (S&MW)                                                                                                                                                                
21stCUCKOO 3, Hobby 1, Red Kite 12, Buzzard 11, Kestrel 3, , Black-headed Gull 4, Wigeon 1, Cetti's Warbler 3                                                                                                                              
20thCUCKOO 2, Wigeon 1, Cetti's Warbler 3, Pochard 2, Red Kite 10, Buzzard 10, Hobby 1, Common Tern 14                                                                                                                               
19thCUCKOO 3, Common Sandpiper 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, Common Tern 14, Wigeon 1                                                                                                                           
18thRed Kite 1, Hobby 1, Little Egret 1, Wigeon 1, Common Tern 1 with blue colour ring U21. Ringed at Watermead Country Park by Andy Smith on 27th June 2018. Also seen in Oxfordshire in July 2021 (SCN)                                                                                                                                  
17thCUCKOO 2, Wigeon 1, Cetti's Warbler 3

OTTER - 4 this morning (CMH)                                                                                                                                 
16thCommon Sandpiper 1, CUCKOO 2, Common Tern 12, Cetti's Warbler 3, Lesser Whitethroat 2, Red Kite 1, Buzzard 3, Oystercatcher 1, Little Egret 1, Wigeon 1, Shoveler 1, Barn Owl 1                                                                                   
15thCUCKOO 2, Common Sandpiper 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Cetti's Warbler 3, Common Tern 14, Hobby 1                                                                                                                                 
14thCommon Sandpiper 1, Hobby 1, CUCKOO 2, Common Tern 10, Yellow Wagtail 1, Cetti's Warbler 3                                                                                                
13thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 2 males on the dam (CMH), CUCKOO 3 (CMH/CB), Hobby 2 
Red-crested Pochard (Chris Hubbard)
Red-crested Pochard (Chris Hubbard)

12th*GREENSHANK* 1 on the dam this evening for 15 minutes before flying SW, the 2nd of 2022 (CMH), LITTLE RINGED PLOVER 1 on the dam, the 3rd of 2022 (CMH), DUNLIN 1 on the dam early morning, the 6th record of 2022 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 1, Swift c100 this evening (CMH), Shelduck 4 (CMH), WHINCHAT 1 (CMH), Cuckoo 2 (male and female), Lesser Whitethroat 2, Yellow Wagtail 1, Cetti's Warbler 3, Wigeon 1, Common Tern 8, Hobby 2

Dunlin (Chris Hubbard)

Greenshank and Little Ringed Plover (Chris Hubbard)
11thCUCKOO 2 (male and female), Wigeon 1, Common Tern 7, Hobby 2, Swift 7, Sparrowhawk 1, Red Kite 1                                                                                                                                  
10thCommon Sandpiper 2, DUNLIN 1 flew west (CMH), Common Tern 12, Wigeon 1, Swift 25 Little Egret 1, Hobby 3                                                                                                       
9thWigeon 1, CUCKOO 1 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 1, Yellow Wagtail 5, Lesser Whitethroat 2, Hobby 2                                                                                                                                
8thShelduck 1 flew east (CMH), CUCKOO 1 (CMH), Lesser Whitethroat 2, GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1, Wigeon 1, Yellow Wagtail 5, Common Tern 11, Hobby 3 (S&MW), Sparrowhawk 1, Cetti's Warbler 6, Grey Wagtail 2

OTTER 3 early AM (J Raven & G Hood)                                                                                                                         
7thARCTIC TERN 22, a group of 17 and 5 (CMH), CUCKOO 1 (CMH), Common Tern 7, Wigeon 1, Hobby 2, Garden Warbler at least 8 singing                                                                                                                             
6thCommon Sandpiper 2, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Common Tern 8, Hobby 1                                                                                                                            
5thWHINCHAT 2 this AM and 1 still present this evening, the first of 2022 (CMH), RINGED PLOVER 1 on the dam this evening, the first of 2022 (CMH), CUCKOO 1 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 2, Common Tern 8, Garden Warbler at least 9 singing, EGYPTIAN GOOSE 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Hobby 2

Ringed Plover (Chris Hubbard)

Whinchat - male and female (Chris Hubbard)
4thCUCKOO 1, COMMON SANDPIPER 2 (CMH), EGYPTIAN GOOSE 1 (CMH), Wigeon 1, Common Tern 7, Cetti's Warbler 3, Yellow Wagtail 1, Little Egret 3, Swift 4, Lesser Whitethroat 3

Common Tern (Steven Wright)
3rdCUCKOO 1 (CMH), DUNLIN 2 on the dam all day (CMH), Yellow Wagtail 5, Swift 5, Wigeon 1, Kingfisher 1, Red Kite 2

Dunlin (Chris Hubbard)
2ndARCTIC TERN 14 briefly this AM, a group of 13 arrived before flying NE and a single bird lingered for 10 mins before departing (CMH), MARSH HARRIER 1 seen twice in Blowers Lodge Bay (PDH), FIELDFARE 1 late bird at the point (M Townsend), CUCKOO 2 (CMH), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 (SRG), Common Sandpiper 2, Common Tern 4, Yellow Wagtail 15, Barn Owl 1
Cuckoo (Chris Hubbard)

Marsh Harrier record shot (Peter Dillon-Hooper)

1stCOMMON SANDPIPER 4 (CMH), Common Tern 13 (CMH), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 (CMH), Yellow Wagtail 15, Garden Warbler 3, Oystercatcher 3, Lesser Whitethroat 1, WHITE WAGTAIL 1 (SCN), Swift 1, WHEATEAR 1 (CB), Tern species 22 flew very high NW, possibly Arctic, but not confirmed (SCN)                                                                                                          


30thSHELDUCK 4, the 2nd record of 2022 (CMH), CUCKOO 1 (GB), EGYPTIAN GOOSE 1 (GB/CMH), Yellow Wagtail 8, Common Tern 3, Great Spotted Woodpecker 2, Kingfisher 1                                                                                                                                
29thCUCKOO 1 (CMH), WHITE WAGTAIL 1 on the dam early AM (PDH/CMH), Garden Warbler 4, Swallow c200, Wigeon 1, Yellow Wagtail 2, Cetti's Warbler 1 , Sparrowhawk 1, Common Gull 11, Black-headed Gull 6, Common Tern 1, CURLEW 2 flew east (PDH), Yellow Wagtail 10, EGYPTIAN GOOSE 1, Kingfisher 1

Sparrowhawk (Peter Dillon-Hooper)

White Wagtail (Chris Hubbard)
28thARCTIC TERN 1, the first of 2022 (CMH), Common Gull 1, Black-headed Gull 14, Swift 2, Swallow c200 (CMH), CUCKOO 1 (CMH), Shoveler 2, Wigeon 1, Yellow Wagtail 2, Cetti's Warbler 1, Oystercatcher 2                                                                                                                            
27thHOBBY 2 (CMH), Yellow Wagtail 10, Oystercatcher 2, Swift 1, CUCKOO 1 (CMH), Wigeon 1, Goldeneye 3, Red Kite 2, Buzzard 2, Shoveler 1
26thCUCKOO 1 (CMH), Goldeneye 3, Wigeon 1, Garden Warbler 1, Kingfisher 1, Common Tern 2, Teal 2, Oystercatcher 2, Yellow Wagtail 24 (SCN)                                                                                                                              
25thHOBBY 2, the first of 2022 (R Cross), Yellow Wagtail 24 (CMH), CUCKOO 1 (CMH), Goldeneye 3, Wigeon 1                                                                                                                        
24thCUCKOO 1 (CB), Lesser Whitethroat 4, Little Egret 1, Meadow Pipit 1, Lapwing 2, Canada Goose 7, Raven 2, Red-legged Partridge 2, Goldeneye 2, Grey Wagtail 1, Kingfisher 2, Yellow Wagtail 8                                                                                                                        
23rdGARDEN WARBLER 1, the first of 2022 (M Townsend), SWIFT 1, the first of 2022 (R Cross), CUCKOO 2 (R Cross), Teal 2, Oystercatcher 2, Red Kite 1,                                                                                                                     
22ndCUCKOO 1 (CMH/PDH), OSPREY 1 (PDH), Yellow Wagtail 2, COMMON SANDPIPER 1, the first of 2022 (PDH/CMH), Lesser Whitethroat 1, GRASHOPPER WARBLER 2 (PDH), Common Tern 1, Grey Wagtail 1
Grey Wagtail (Fritz Graves)
21stCUCKOO 1 (B&F Graves), Yellow Wagtail 15, Red Kite 4, LESSER WHITETHROAT 1, Reed Warbler 4, Cetti's Warbler at least 3, Greylag Goose 2 with 2 young, GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 (CMH)                                                                                                                       
20thCUCKOO 1, the first of 2022 (CMH), OSPREY 1 this evening, the first of 2022 (MJ/CMH), MARSH HARRIER 1 this evening, the 2nd of 2022 (CMH/MJ), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 (CMH), MANDARIN 1 drake flew over the dam this evening (CMH), LESSER WHITETHROAT 2, Yellow Wagtail 11,  Oystercatcher 1, Peregrine 1 (B&F Graves), (No sign of the Garganey this AM)

Osprey (Matt Jackson)
19th*GARGANEY* 1 drake this morning, the first since 2019 (CMH) and also present early evening (CMH), MANDARIN 1 drake this morning, the first of 2022 (CMH), Green Sandpiper 1, Oystercatcher 3, Yellow Wagtail 10, Barn Owl 1

Mandarin (Chris Hubbard)

Garganey (Chris Hubbard)
18thGRASSHOPPER WARBLER 2 reeling (CMH/PDH/MT), Green Sandpiper 1, Oystercatcher 1, Lesser Whitethroat 2 ringed, the first of 2022 (SRG), Reed Warbler 1, Cetti's Warbler 4, Yellow Wagtail 1
Lesser Whitethroat, the first of 2022 (SRG)

17th**WHITE-TAILED EAGLE** 1 still having roosted (CMH/CB/I Merrill), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 3 this AM (CMH/CB), MARSH HARRIER 1 briefly, Reed Warbler 1, Oystercatcher 2
Grasshopper Warbler (SRG)
16th**WHITE-TAILED EAGLE** 1 2CY female G819 from the reintroduction scheme flew over the dam late PM and settled in trees on the Leicestershire side (CMH/A Homer), Reed Warbler 1 the first of 2022, Grasshopper Warbler 1 ringed, the first of 2022, Green Sandpiper 1 (CMH), Yellow Wagtail c15, Egyptian Goose 1
White-tailed Eagle (Chris Hubbard)
15thCetti's Warbler 4, Sedge Warbler 10, Swallow 2, Shoveler 5, Curlew 1 heard (GB), Barn Owl 1, Little Egret 1, WHEATEAR 1 (CMH) 

Sedge Warbler (Mark Healey)
14thLITTLE RINGED PLOVER 1 flew over east, calling (CMH), Yellow Wagtail 13, Cetti's Warbler 1 ringed this AM, the 100th to be ringed at the site (SRG), Whitethroat c5, Sedge Warbler c6, WHEATEAR 1 (J Lambert)                                                                                                                              
13thGREENSHANK 1 fly through east, the first of 2022 (CMH), Common Whitethroat 1, the first of 2022 (CB), Sedge Warbler 1, the first of 2022 (CB), Barn Owl 1, Yellow Wagtail c16 (DM), Red Kite 3, Willow Warbler 3, Cetti's Warbler 3, Oystercatcher 2                                                                                                                                 
12thWHIMBREL 1 fly through, the first of 2022 (CMH), COMMON TERN 2, the first of 2022 (CMH), REDSHANK 1, the first of 2022 (CMH), WHEATEAR 1 this evening, the first of 2022 (CMH), Yellow Wagtail 9, Snipe 1, Willow Warbler 3, Common Gull 23, Sand Martin c30, Shoveler 7
Wheatear (Chris Hubbard)

11thWILLOW WARBLER 2, the first of 2022 (CMH), YELLOW WAGTAIL 2, the first of 2022 (SCN/CMH), HOUSE MARTIN 4, the first of 2022 (CMH/SCN), Peregrine 1, Red Kite 2, Common Gull 2, Shoveler 7, Lesser Redpoll 1

Yellow Wagtail (Chris Hubbard)

Yellow Wagtail ( S Nichols)
10thGoldeneye 7, Wigeon 1, Shoveler 8, Red Kite 1, Tree Sparrow 10, Cetti's Warbler 4, Grey Wagtail 3, Linnet 7, Little Egret 1, Lapwing 6, Blackcap 8,                                                                                                                                           
9thEGYPTIAN GOOSE 1 (CMH), Blackcap 8, Cetti's Warbler 4, Little Egret 1, Shoveler 8, Teal 4                                                                                                                                  
8thLesser Redpoll 2, Blackcap c10 (PDH/CMH), Lapwing 4, Oystercatcher 2, Goldeneye 11, Shoveler 7, Peregrine 1 (PDH), Little Egret 2, Cetti's Warbler 6, Sand Martin 2                                                                                                                                          
7thSwallow 7, Sand Martin 1, Little Egret 2, Goldeneye 1, Red Kite 2, Redwing 1

Redwing (Chris Hubbard)
6thNo sightings received                                                                                                                                           
5thShoveler 1, Goldeneye 1, Tree Sparrow c13                                                                                                                                
4thSwallow 1, Goosander 1, Cetti's Warbler 9, Shoveler 2, Wigeon 3, Goldeneye 11, Lesser Redpoll 1                                                                                                                                           
3rdRed Kite 7, Buzzard 6, Raven 2, Tree Sparrow c20, Snipe 5, Kingfisher 1, Little Egret 1, Goldeneye 9, Shoveler 10, Wigeon 85, Pochard 1, Lesser Redpoll 2, Cetti's Warbler 1                                                                                                                       
2ndShoveler 8, Cetti's Warbler 2, Goldeneye 13, Shoveler 13, Wigeon 26, Pochard 2, Grey Wagtail 3, Little Egret 1                                                                                                                                           
1stGreat Crested Grebe 8                                                                                                          


31stGoldeneye 11, Shoveler 7, Teal 3, Wigeon 1, Pochard 4, Little Egret 1, Redwing 10

The overall species count for 2022 at the end of the first quarter is 103 (excluding Ruddy Shelduck and White-tailed Eagle)                                                                                                                       
30thOystercatcher 1, Red Kite 1, Cetti's Warbler 3                                                                                                                               
29thLITTLE RINGED PLOVER 1 the first at the site since 2020 (CMH), SWALLOW 1 around the dam, the first of 2022 (CMH), Little Egret 1
Little Ringed Plover, the first since 2020 (Chris Hubbard)
28th**WHITE-TAILED EAGLE** 1, a 2nd CY male from the Isle of Wight re-introduction programme  passed over the reservoir at 14.40 today at a height of 279 metres. It flew 150km from Staffs to near Luton and was still flying at 17.55. Maps below indicate the route this majestic bird took (information kindly provided by Tim Mackrill),  Cetti's Warbler upto 10 on site currently, Raven 24, Wigeon 37, Shoveler 2, Teal 2, BLACKCAP 1, the first of 2022 (PDH), Lapwing 2, Water Rail 1, Snipe 1, Oystercatcher 1
Route of G818, White-tailed Eagle across the reservoir (courtesy of Tim Mackrill) 
Route of G818 as it headed south-east (courtesy of Tim Mackrill)
27thGREAT EGRET 1 (GB), Barn Owl 1 (CB), Raven 20 (SCN), Goldeneye 15                                                                                                                  
26thJACK SNIPE 1 with 3 Common Snipe this AM, the first of 2022 (M Townsend), Little Egret 2, Raven 14 feeding on sheep carcass (CMH)                                                                                                                           
25thLittle Egret 3, Oystercatcher 2, Raven 12 feeding on sheep carcass (PDH), Cetti's Warbler c7 (PDH), Goosander 2, Peregrine 1 (CMH), Water Rail 2                                                                                                                      
24thGoosander 2, Fieldfare c20, Redwing c5                                                                                                                     
23rdPochard 2, Shoveler 4, Tree Sparrow 4, Wigeon 1                                                                                                                        
22ndPochard 1 with blue nasal saddle H9H, ringed in France in 2016 (CMH), Sand Martin 2 early AM (CMH), BRAMBLING 2  on Northants feeders (CMH), Water Rail 2, Cetti's Warbler 4, Oystercatcher 1, Shoveler 16, Teal 1, Red Kite 2
Pochard with blue nasal saddle H9H - ringed in France in 2016 (Chris Hubbard)
21stGREAT EGRET 1 (CMH), Goosander 2, Little Egret 3, Wigeon 110                                                                                                                        
20thCURLEW 1 early AM (CMH), Oystercatcher 1, Lapwing 4, Shoveler 13, Little Egret 1, Water Rail 2, Cetti's Warbler 4, Goosander 3, Chiffchaff 5, Teal 6, Buzzard 4, Red Kite 1, Siskin 7, Lesser Redpoll 1, Gadwall 12, Tufted Duck 110, Coot 64, Wigeon 8, Greylag Goose 25, Mallard 30, Kingfisher 2, Moorhen 6                                                                                                                           
19thSAND MARTIN 2, the first of 2022 (M Townsend), Shoveler 12, Little Egret 3, Cetti's Warbler 4, Red Kite 6, Grey Heron 4, BRAMBLING 2, Goosander 1, Oystercatcher 1, Lapwing 4, Shelduck 1 female (B&FG)                                                                                                                            
18thWigeon 116, Teal 7, Grey Heron 6, Buzzard 5, Goosander 1                                                                                                                                
17thOystercatcher 2, Goosander 3, Shoveler 53, GREAT EGRET 1 (B&FG), Little Egret 2, Little Grebe 1, Reed Bunting 4, Chiffchaff 6, Buzzard 6, Kestrel 2, Red Kite 1                                                                                                                                  
16thGREAT EGRET 1 (CMH), Shoveler 48, Little Egret 2, Goosander 2, Kingfisher 1, Oystercatcher 1, Cetti's Warbler 3, Water Rail 1                                                                                                                             
15thGREAT EGRET 1 (CMH), Shoveler 48, Little Egret 2, Cetti's Warbler 1, Kingfisher 1, Goosander 3, Water Rail 1                                                                                                                             
14thGREAT EGRET 1 (CMH), Little Egret 1, Kingfisher 1, Shoveler 36, Cetti's Warbler 1, Chiffchaff 4, Oystercatcher 1, Goosander 2, Goldeneye 10                                                                                                                            
13thDUNLIN 1 over the middle of the reservoir at 18.24 (CMH), CURLEW 1 early AM (CMH), GREAT EGRET 3 (CMH), Oystercatcher 1, Shoveler 30, Goosander 4, Little Egret 2, Kingfisher 1, Cetti's Warbler 3, Chiffchaff 1, Goldeneye c13, Kestrel 1, Linnet 7, Grey Heron 5                                                                                                                           
12thWHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 2 (CMH), Little Egret 2, Water Rail 2, Cetti's Warbler 3, Shoveler 39, Pochard 42, Red Kite 3, Chiffchaff 1, Goosander 4, Meadow Pipit 2                                                                                                                             
11thGREAT EGRET 1 (PDH), Water Rail 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, Shoveler 36, Chiffchaff 1, Goosander 3, Kingfisher 1, Kestrel 2, Red Kite 1                                                                                                                                 
10thSHELDUCK 2, the first of 2022 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 4, Oystercatcher 1, Chiffchaff 1, Shoveler 30, Kingfisher 1, Goosander 3, Grey Heron 6                                                                                                                                 
9thWHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 early morning (CMH), GREAT EGRET 2 (CMH), Goosander 4, Cetti's Warbler 2, Shoveler 37, Little Egret 2, Siskin 5, Water Rail 1, Goldeneye 35 at dusk, the highest count in the last two years at least (CMH) 
White-fronted Goose (Chris Hubbard)
8thCASPIAN GULL 1 third-winter in the roost (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 (CB), PEREGRINE 1 (CMH), Wigeon 196 at the dam end this evening (CMH), Red Kite 3, Grey Heron 6, Kingfisher 1

Caspian Gull - record shots (Chris Hubbard)
7thWHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 still (B&FG/CMH), GREAT EGRET 2 (CMH), Shoveler 31, Goosander 8 (B&FG), Kingfisher 3, Raven 2, Little Egret 2, Cetti's Warbler 1, Chiffchaff 1 in full song at the dam, Grey Wagtail 2                                                                                                                                 
6thWHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 3 (CMH), Water Rail 3, Oystercatcher 1, Goosander 4, Shoveler 17, Little Egret 2, Kingfisher 1, Teal 6, Raven 1, Grey Wagtail 2                                                                                                                                
5thWHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 (CMH), MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), PINK-FOOTED GOOSE 1 still (CMH), Wigeon 62, GREAT EGRET 1, Goosander 4, Kingfisher 1
Pink-footed Goose (Chris Hubbard)
4thPINK-FOOTED GOOSE 1 this AM, the first of 2022 (CMH), WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 this AM (CMH), GREAT EGRET 3 (PDH), CURLEW 1 (CMH), Collared Dove 1, the first of 2022, Teal 19, Goosander 5, Golden Plover c200 (PDH), Little Egret 1, Water Rail 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Shoveler 11, Lesser Redpoll 1, Meadow Pipit 3, Grey Wagtail 2, Kingfisher 1
White-fronted Geese (Chris Hubbard)

Pink-footed Goose, the first of 2022 (Chris Hubbard)
3rdWHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 at the settling pond end this AM (CMH), CURLEW 1 this AM (CMH), GREAT EGRET 3 (CMH), Little Egret 1, Cetti's Warbler 3, Goosander 7, Shoveler 16, Golden Plover c50, Chiffchaff 1, Wigeon 55, Water Rail 1, Kingfisher 2

White-fronted Goose (Chris Hubbard)

Curlew (Chris Hubbard)
2ndMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost, the same bird as Monday (CMH), Common Gull c1000 in the roost (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 over dam (CMH), Little Egret 2, Goosander 3                                                                                                                              
1stGoosander 7, Golden Plover c150                                                                                                                                 


28thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), CURLEW 1 over the dam heading west, the first of 2022 (CMH), BRAMBLING 6 (CMH), OYSTERCATCHER 2, Goosander 2, Shoveler 13, GREAT EGRET 1 (CMH), Fieldfare c100, Buzzard 1

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE 1 at Stanford Hall, also GREAT EGRET and Shelduck (CMH)           
27thGREAT EGRET 1 (S&MW), Goosander 8, Shoveler 13, Teal 2, Little Egret 1, Siskin 11, Lesser Redpoll 6 (S&MW), Mistle Thrush 1, PEREGRINE 1 (S&MW), Buzzard c5, Grey Heron 6, Meadow Pipit 4, Cetti's Warbler 1, Red Kite 4, Sparrowhawk 1, Grey Wagtail 2, Little Grebe 1
Siskin (Chris Hubbard)

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 still at Stanford Hall (SCN)                                                                                                                          
26thGoosander 5 (2 drakes), Goldeneye 21, Red Kite 5, Grey Heron 4, Little Egret 1, BRAMBLING 1, Lapwing 8

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 still at Stanford Hall (CMH)

Goosander (Chris Hubbard)
25thChiffchaff 1, Goosander 3

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 still at Stanford Hall (CMH)

A FELLOW BIRDER HAS CONTACTED ME TODAY TO SAY THAT HE LOST HIS WEDDING RING AT THE RESERVOIR YESTERDAY. IF ANYONE FINDS IT (PLAIN GOLD WEDDING BAND) CAN YOU LET ME KNOW AND WE WILL GET IT BACK TO HIM.                                                                                                                             
24thYELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 third-winter in the roost (CMH), DUNLIN 1, the first of 2022 in Blowers Lodge Bay briefly (CMH/D Hicklin), Little Egret 1, Golden Plover c130 again, OYSTERCATCHER 1, Chiffchaff 1                                                                                                    
Yellow-legged Gull flight shote (Chris Hubbard)
23rdYELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 third-winter in the roost (CMH), Golden Plover c130, Goldeneye 26, Wigeon c100, Little Egret 1
22ndMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost - a new bird (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 third-winter again (CMH)

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 still at Stanford Hall (CMH/Alan Herbert)     
Mediterranean Gull record shots (Chris Hubbard)
21stCASPIAN GULL 1 second-winter in the roost this evening (CMH), Wigeon c170, OYSTERCATCHER 1 on the dam                                                                                                                         
20thGoosander 6, Gadwall 33, Tufted Duck 111, Pochard 53, Wigeon 40, Little Grebe 1, Grey Heron 4, Coot 139, Goldeneye 14, Little Egret 1, Cormorant 21, Golden Plover 55, Lapwing 8, Water Rail 1, Kingfisher 1, Little Egret 1, Mallard 48, Buzzard 5, Red Kite 3, Greylag Goose 129, Canada Goose 13, Meadow Pipit 2, Mute Swan 29, Chiffchaff 1, Tawny Owl 1 

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 still at Stanford Hall (CMH)                                                                                                                          
19thOYSTERCATCHER 1 on the dam (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 third-winter in the roost (IB/CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 (IB/CMH), Meadow Pipit 4, Water Rail 1, Little Egret, 1 Goosander 1, Lesser Redpoll 3, Siskin 1, Red Kite 3, Tree Sparrow 3 around the Leicestershire feeders (CMH)

Yellow-legged Gull (Chris Hubbard)
18thCASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), Golden Plover 53, Lesser Black-backed Gull c210 in the roost (CMH)                                                                                                                              
17thYELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 third-winter in the roost this evening (IB/CMH), Goosander 2, GREAT EGRET 1 (PDH), Chiffchaff 1

Yellow-legged Gull (I Bartlett)

Yellow-legged Gull (C Hubbard)
16thCASPIAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost (IB/CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 third-winter in the roost (IB/CMH), Goosander 2 

Record shots of the Caspian Gull in very poor conditions (Chris Hubbard)
15thGoosander 5, Goldeneye 20, Chiffchaff 2, Kingfisher 1, Red Kite 3 

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 still at Stanford Hall (CMH)             
14thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), Goosander 3, Shoveler 4                                                                                                                                  
13thGREAT EGRET 1 (CMH), Goosander 5, Pochard 71, Gadwall 70, Little Grebe 2, Kingfisher 2, Red Kite 4, Chiffchaff 1, Shoveler 1, Red-legged Partridge 4

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 still at Stanford Hall (CB)             
12thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 2 adults in the roost (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 (CMH), Wigeon 146, Goosander 5, Chiffchaff 1, Little Egret 1, Red-legged Partridge 6                                                                                                                        
11thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), WOODCOCK 1 over the inflow car park at dusk (CMH), GREAT EGRET 2 (CMH), Kingfisher 1, Water Rail 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Goosander 3, Tree Sparrow 4 on the Leicestershire side near the feeders, well away from their normal area (CMH), Little Egret 2
Mediterranean Gull (Chris Hubbard)

10thMEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost, the first of 2022 (CMH), OYSTERCATCHER 1 on the dam, the first of 2022 (CMH), Goosander 6, Goldeneye 26, Shoveler 5, Little Egret 1

Mediterranean Gull (Chris Hubbard)
9thGREAT EGRET 1 (CMH), Goosander 1 

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 still at Stanford Hall (CMH)               
8thGoldeneye 24 (CMH), Chiffchaff 1, Goosander 5 (CMH)                                                                                                                         
7thCASPIAN GULL  2 in the roost this evening (CMH), GREAT EGRET 3 (PDH), Goosander 7 (3 drakes), Chiffchaff 2, Siskin c20, Meadow Pipit 13 on the dam, Kingfisher 2                                                                                                              
6thCASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (IB), Goldeneye 24 (SCN), Goosander 5 (IB), Red Kite 1, Gadwall 71 (SCN), Little Grebe 2                                                                                                                                  
5thBRAMBLING 4 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 2, YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 in the roost (CMH/IB), Little Grebe 1

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 still at Stanford Hall (CMH)                                                                                                               
4thCASPIAN GULL 1 third-winter this evening (IB/CMH), Chiffchaff 1, Little Egret 2                                                                                                                               
3rdBRAMBLING 10 (D Cox), Little Egret 1, Shoveler 2, Cetti's Warbler 1, Water Rail 2, Raven 3, Lesser Redpoll 3

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 still at Stanford Hall (CMH)                                                                                                                 
2ndGoosander 1, Goldeneye 14, BRAMBLING 4, Raven 3, Chiffchaff 1, Kingfisher 1

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 still at Stanford Hall (SCN)                                                                                                                                  
1stKingfisher 1, Little Egret 2, BRAMBLING 2, Raven 3, GREAT EGRET 1

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE  3 still at Stanford Hall (CMH)                                                                                                        


31stCASPIAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost this evening (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 2 in the roost (CMH), BRAMBLING 6 (CMH),  Little Egret 1, Water Rail 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Wigeon 161 (CMH), Chiffchaff 1, Goosander 2

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 still at Stanford Hall (SCN)
Caspian Gull, First-winter (Chris Hubbard)

30thYELLOW-LEGGED GULL 4 in the roost, a sub-adult and 3 adults (IB/CMH), BRAMBLING 12 ringed this AM (SRG), GREAT EGRET 1, Water Rail 1, Barn Owl 1, Gadwall 97

Brambling (Stanford Ringing Group)
29thCASPIAN GULL 1 second-winter in the roost this evening (IB/CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 3, Water Rail 2, Lapwing c250, Goldeneye 16                                                                                                                               
28thBRAMBLING 20 (PDH), Water Rail 2, Cetti's Warbler 2, Barn Owl 1, Kingfisher 1, Lapwing 3, Little Egret 1

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 opposite Stanford Hall - Northants (PDH/CMH)

Brambling and Nuthatch (Peter Dillon-Hooper)
27thRUDDY SHELDUCK 1 female late PM, the first since 2019 (CMH), BRAMBLING 5 (CMH), GREAT EGRET , Siskin 4, Goosander 2, Greenfinch 1, Nuthatch 1

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 still at Stanford Hall (CMH) 

White-fronted Goose (Chris Hubbard)

Ruddy Shelduck (Chris Hubbard)
26thBRAMBLING 8 (per D Hicklin), Cetti's Warbler 2, Barn Owl 1, Lapwing 6, Raven 3, Jay 1

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 still at Stanford Hall (D Hicklin)                                                                                                                              
25thGoosander 2, Siskin 5, Grey Wagtail 2, Jay 4, Red Kite 1                                                                                                                               
24thCommon Gull a minimum of 1600 in the roost (CMH), Goosander 3, Siskin 23, Kingfisher 1, Raven 6, Chaffinch c50, Raven 6, Chiffchaff 1, BRAMBLING 1 ringed this AM (SRG)                                                                                                                      
23rdCASPIAN GULL 1 third-winter briefly this AM (CMH), Cetti's Warbler 3, Water Rail 3, Tufted Duck 171, Coot 247, Little Egret 1, Gadwall 89, Siskin c25, Grey Wagtail 3, Lesser Redpoll 1, Kingfisher 2, Goldeneye 15, Green Sandpiper 1, Chiffchaff 1, Buzzard 2, Sparrowhawk 1, Red Kite 1, Pochard 40, Wigeon 32, Greylag Goose 134, Canada Goose 53, Mute Swan 54, Little Grebe 1, Treecreeper 4, Meadow Pipit 3, Jay 3, Raven 5, Bullfinch 6                                                                                                                              
22ndYELLOW-LEGGED GULL 2 in the roost (IB), Goosander 9 (1 drake), Wigeon 259, late PM (CMH), Great Black-backed Gull 148, Little Egret 2, Siskin 6, Lesser Redpoll 3, PEREGRINE 1, Buzzard 3, Cetti's Warbler 1, Kingfisher 1                                                                                                                                      
21stWOODCOCK 1 over the Welford Road car park at 17.05 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 (CB), Cetti's Warbler 1, Great Black-backed Gull 265 in the roost up from 235 at lunchtime (CMH), Herring Gull c300, Little Egret 2 

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE  3 still, Stanford Hall area (CMH)                                                                                                                          
20thYELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), GREAT EGRET 2 (J Lambert), Great Black-backed Gull 150 in the roost before the late majority headed west (CMH), Goosander 5 this evening                                                                                                                               
19thCetti's Warbler 1, Goosander 2, Barn Owl 1, Little Grebe 2    

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 again in Stanford Hall (SCN/Neil Jarvis)                                                                                                                               
18thGoosander 12, CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH)

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 again opposite Stanford Hall (CMH)

White-fronted Geese (Chris Hubbard)
17thGoosander 5, Cetti's Warbler 1, GREAT EGRET 1, Snipe 1, Great Black-backed Gull 75 in the roost (CMH), Little Grebe 1, Water Rail 1 

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 again at Stanford Hall (CMH)                                                                                                                                    
16thGoosander 1, GREAT EGRET 1 (CMH), Buzzard 2, Red Kite 1, Kingfisher 1, Siskin 1, CASPIAN GULL 1 again this PM (SCN/CMH), Chiffchaff 1, Barn Owl 1, Little Grebe 1, EGYPTIAN GOOSE 2 late PM (CMH)

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 again at Stanford Hall (CMH) 

Caspian Gull (Chris Hubbard)
15thCASPIAN GULL 1 third-winter late PM the first of 2022 (CMH), Goosander 3, Little Egret 2, Cetti's Warbler 1, Shoveler 7, Pochard 46, Barn Owl 1 (CMH), Raven 4, Chiffchaff 1, Snipe 1, Water Rail 2

Caspian Gull (Chris Hubbard)
14thWHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 seen twice this PM (CMH/B Morley), PEREGRINE 1, Green Sandpiper 1, Goosander 2, Raven 2, Cetti's Warbler 1, Little Egret 1                                                                                                                           
13thGoosander 4, Cetti's Warbler 1, Shoveler 2, Chiffchaff 2, Raven 8                                                                                                                                         
12thGreen Sandpiper 1, Water Rail 1, Little Egret 1, Great Black-backed Gull 202 in the roost (CMH), Little Grebe 2, Lesser Redpoll 6, Teal 4, Shoveler 2, Goosander 2                                                                                                                           
11thPINTAIL 3 (SCN), Chiffchaff 1, Teal 5                                                                                                                                      
10thWHITE FRONTED GOOSE 3 late PM (CMH), Great Black-backed Gull 148 in the roost (CMH), Goosander 3, Water Rail 1, Chiffchaff 1
White Fronted Geese (Chris Hubbard)
9thEGYPTIAN GOOSE 2 (CMH), Shoveler 9, Cetti's Warbler 1, Little Egret 1, Siskin 10, Sparrowhawk 1, Kingfisher 1, Green Woodpecker 1, Goosander 9 this evening (CMH), Great Black-backed Gull 94 in the roost (CMH), Treecreeper 2, Great Spotted Woodpecker                                                                                                                                     
8thWOODCOCK 1, the first of 2022, flushed by shooting party in the wood opposite the Leicestershire reedbed and landed along track around Keepers Lodge Bay (CMH), EGYPTIAN GOOSE 5 (DM/CMH), Goosander 2, Skylark 1, Gadwall 95, GREAT EGRET 1 (DM), Chiffchaff 1, Water Rail 2, Lesser Redpoll 1, Kingfisher 1, Little Grebe 2, Little Egret 2, Cetti's Warbler 1                                                                                                                              
7thCetti's Warbler 2, Water Rail 1, Kingfisher 1, Chiffchaff 3, Shoveler 7, EGYPTIAN GOOSE 3 (B&FG), Bullfinch 8, Canada goose 180, Greylag Goose 90, Long-tailed Tit 20, Lapwing 40, Goosander 3, Tawny Owl 1 calling                                                                                                                                         
6thCetti's Warbler 1, Teal 6                                                                                                                                 
5thEGYPTIAN GOOSE 3 (CMH), Chiffchaff 2, Water Rail 2, Siskin 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Shoveler 5, Snipe 1                                                                                                                                           
4thRED-CRESTED POCHARD 8, including 4 drakes (B&F Graves et al), PEREGRINE 1 again and seen several times, Chiffchaff 2, Water Rail 1, Shoveler 4, Teal 3, Kingfisher 1, Goldeneye 8, Lesser Redpoll 2, BRAMBLING 1 (CMH), Coal Tit 1
Red-crested Pochards (Chris Hubbard)

Red-crested Pochards (F Graves)
3rdPEREGRINE 1 this AM (PDH / DM), Teal 61, Cetti's Warbler 2, Little Grebe 2, Siskin 1, Chiffchaff 2, Goosander 1, Raven 2, Lapwing c150 (S&MW), Water Rail 1, Kingfisher 1 

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 again at Stanford Hall (CMH)                                                                                                           
2ndBRAMBLING 1 (CMH), Goosander 2, Great Black-backed Gull 83, Teal 21, Shoveler 1, EGYPTIAN GOOSE 2 (K Hill), Water Rail 1, Goldeneye 8, Pintail 2 briefly

WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 at Stanford Hall this PM (SCN)                                                                                                                                           
1stWHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 3 briefly this AM (CMH), EGYPTIAN GOOSE 2 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 (B&F Graves), Water Rail 2, Chiffchaff 1, Goosander 6, Teal 16, Shoveler 6, Little Egret 4, Kingfisher 1, Red Kite 1, Raven 4, Snipe 1, Great Black-backed Gull 103 - 68 species overall to kick the new year off.                                                                                                                      

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