Thanks to all observers for their records, especially Stanford Ringing
Group (SRG), Steve Nichols (SCN), George Burton (GB), Barbara and Fritz
Graves (B&FG), Chris Begley (CB), Peter Dillon-Hooper (PDH), Sandra
and Mick Wyatt (S&MW), Ian Bartlett (IB), Chris Hubbard (CMH), Matt
Jackson (MJ), Dan March (DM)
31st | PINTAIL 1 drake
CATTLE EGRET 2 still at Stanford Hall (SCN)
first-winter in the roost (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost
(CMH), Great Black-backed Gull c185 in the roost (CMH), GREAT EGRET 3
(CMH), Water Rail 2, Snipe 4, Lesser Redpoll 1, PINTAIL 1 (CMH),
Goosander 14
CATTLE EGRET 2 still at Stanford Hall (CMH) |
1 first-winter in the roost (CMH), Snipe 5, PINTAIL 2 (SCN), Goosander
15 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Great Black-backed Gull 65 in the roost
2 first-winters in the roost (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 in the roost (CMH),
PINTAIL 1 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Grebe 2, Shoveler 5, Stock Dove
25, Goosander 2 |
1 first-winter (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 2 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Shelduck 3,
PINTAIL 1 drake (CMH), Goldeneye 9, Teal 7, Little Grebe 2
24th | MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 1st-winter (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Goosander 11, Red Kite 1, CATTLE EGRET 2 still at Stanford Hall (CB)
| Mediteranean Gull (Chris Hubbard) |
Happy Christmas to all visitors to Stanford Reservoir |
23rd | Water
Rail 1, GREAT EGRET 1, Chiffchaff 1, Shoveler 4, Buzzard 2, Mistle
Thrush 1, Goosander 3
22nd | CASPIAN
GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), PINTAIL 2 (CMH), Great Black-backed
Gull c130, Goosander 1, Chiffchaff 1, Little Egret 1, Pied Wagtail 10,
Little Grebe 3 |
20th | Goosander
4 (3 drakes), Great Black-backed Gull 97, Little Grebe 2
17th | Coot
529, Tufted Duck 164, Gadwall 101, Pochard 55, Mute Swan 70, Wigeon 92,
Great Crested Grebe 7, Little Grebe 3 Cormorant 12, Greylag Goose 158,
Goldeneye 5, Mallard 45 |
first-winter (CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH),
Great Black-backed Gull 147 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 3 over dam at dusk (CMH),
Pochard 55, Goosander 2 drakes, Little Grebe 3, Shoveler 4, CATTLE EGRET 2 still at Stanford Hall (CB/B&FG), BRAMBLING 2 (S Wright)
2 first-winters in the roost (CMH), Common Gull min of 1800 in the
roost (CMH), Great Black-backed Gull c70, Little Grebe 3, Siskin 15, CATTLE EGRET 2 still at Stanford Hall |
13th | CASPIAN GULL 1 adult briefly this AM (CMH), Little Egret 2, Siskin 1, CATTLE EGRET
2 still at Stanford Hall (CMH)
12th | MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost (CMH), Great Black-backed Gull 94 in the roost (CMH), CATTLE EGRET 2 still at Stanford Hall, Little Egret 2, Lesser Redpoll 17 |
11th | MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), Goosander 10 (7 drakes), Goldeneye 15, CATTLE EGRET 2 still at Stanford Hall, Little Egret 1, Little Grebe 3, Water Rail 1
| Mediterranean Gull (Chris Hubbard) | |
10th | BRAMBLING 1, CATTLE EGRET 2 still at Stanford Hall (CMH) |
9th | GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 1, CATTLE EGRET
2 at Stanford Hall (CB)
8th | MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Goosander 2, Redwing 67 ringed (SRG), Fieldfare 12 ringed (SRG) |
7th | GREAT EGRET 1 (CMH), Little Grebe 1 |
6th | Goldeneye
11, Shoveler 10, Little Grebe 2
5th | *BARNACLE GOOSE* 46 briefly, the first since 2021 (SCN), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 2 (SCN)
| Barnacle Geese (Steve Nichols) | |
3rd | GREAT EGRET 1 (SCN), Teal 11, Goldeneye 3, Teal 11 |
30th | Goldeneye 4, Little Grebe 1, Sparrowhawk 1, Kestrel 1, Barn Owl 1 |
29th | Goosander 2, Teal 2, Shoveler 1, Raven 1, Jay 1 |
28th | Water Rail 2, Fieldfare c100 |
26th | Goosander
1, Shoveler 4, Teal 3
25th | Little Egret 1, Redwing c50, Fieldfare c50, Treecreeper 1, RED-CRESTED POCHARD 3 (SCN), Teal 15, Water Rail 2 |
24th | **CATTLE EGRET** 1 this PM with Little Egret (CMH), Shoveler 2 |
23rd | **CATTLE EGRET** 2 again briefly (CMH/CB), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 1, Water Rail 1
| Cattle Egret (Chris Hubbard) | |
22nd | **CATTLE EGRET** 2 flew SW again at 16.12 with a Little Egret (CMH), MEDITERRANEAN GULL
1 first-winter in the roost (CMH), Great Black-backed Gull 81 in the
roost (CMH), Water Rail 1, Teal 86 (CMH), Goldeneye 16, Great Crested
Grebe 23
| First-winter Mediterranean Gull (Chris Hubbard) | |
21st | Water Rail 2, Little Grebe 6, GREAT EGRET 1 |
20th | *WOODCOCK* 1
ringed this AM, the first to be ringed since 2012 (SRG), MEDITERRANEAN
GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), MERLIN 1 late afternoon (A Homer),
Goosander 2, Great Crested grebe 27, Goldeneye 17, Water Rail 4,
Chiffchaff 2
| Woodcock, the first to be ringed since 2012 (SRG) | |
1 adult in the roost (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult (CMH), GREAT EGRET 2,
Little Egret 1, Little Grebe 6, Great Black-backed Gull 53, Peregrine 1
hunting Starlings at dusk, Chiffchaff 2, Tawny Owl 1
18th | **CATTLE EGRET** 2
flew low SW this evening, the first of 2023 and only the 3rd ever site
record (CMH), GREAT EGRET 2, CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH),
Great Black-backed Gull 55 in the roost (CMH), Water Rail 4, Goldeneye
26, Chiffchaff 2, Siskin 3, Cetti's Warbler 1 |
17th | *GREY PLOVER*
1 flew through calling, the first of 2023 (CMH), Water Rail 3, Cetti's
Warbler 1, Goldeneye 10, GREAT EGRET 1, Teal 14, Chiffchaff 1
16th | GREAT EGRET 1, Water Rail 2, BRAMBLING 1, Goldeneye 10 |
15th | Goldeneye 10, Little Egret 5, Kingfisher 1, Chiffchaff 1 |
14th | GREAT
EGRET 1, Water Rail 3, Cetti's Warbler 1, Chiffchaff 2
13th | CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 |
12th | WHOOPER SWAN 4 briefly this morning (CMH), BRAMBLING 1, Siskin 6, Cetti's Warbler 1, Water Rail 2, PINTAIL 1 female (CMH)
| Whooper Swans (Chris Hubbard) | |
11th | *MERLIN* 1
this AM (CMH/M Townsend), BRAMBLING 1, Siskin 4, Teal 7, Snipe 1,
Cetti's Warbler 2, Water Rail 1, Chiffchaff 1, Lesser Redpoll 2 |
10th | MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 2 (CMH), BRAMBLING 1, Water Rail 2, Cetti's Warbler 3, Little Egret 1, Kingfisher 1, Siskin and Redpoll over, Cormorant 30 |
9th | MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 2 (CMH), Goldeneye 10 |
8th | MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 2 (CMH/S Wright), Starling c5000, Teal 4, Shoveler 6 |
drakes (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 (CMH), Peregrine 1, BRAMBLING 7 (M
Townsend), Goldeneye 10, Teal 3, Fieldfare c1000, Starling c5000, Barn
Owl 1 |
6th | *MERLIN*
1 female/imm flew west close to the dam chasing Meadow Pipits this AM
(CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost, YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult in
the roost (CMH), Goldeneye 6, Fieldfare c1500, Siskin 25, Shoveler 7
2, 1 ringed (SRG), Fieldfare c1000, Shoveler 6, Teal 2, Cetti's Warbler
2, Little Egret 1, GREAT EGRET 1, Water Rail 1, Lesser Redpoll 12,
Starling c3000 (CMH)
| Female Brambling (SRG) | |
4th | Little Grebe 3, Shoveler 5 |
2, Fieldfare c300, Redwing c150, Goldeneye 5, Pied Wagtail 16, DUNLIN 1
flew east early morning (CMH), Skylark 40, Snipe 2, Water Rail 2
1st | CASPIAN GULL 1 first-winter (CMH) |
31st | Snipe
1, Pochard 27, Water Rail 3, Goldeneye 3, Cetti's Warbler 2, Teal 4,
Goldcrest 8, Treecreeper 2, Chiffchaff 2, Nuthatch 1
30th | Peregrine 1, Water Rail 1, Siskin 3, Nuthatch 1 |
29th | Goldeneye 1, Shoveler 5, Teal 1, Goldfinch 20 Long-tailed Tit c30, Chiffchaff 1 |
28th | Peregrine 1, Stock Dove 31 (CMH), MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH) |
27th | MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost this evening (CMH), Cetti;s Warbler 2, Water Rail 1, Goosander 2, BRAMBLING 1 (CMH) |
26th | MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), Goosander 6 (CMH), Little Grebe 3, Goldeneye 1
| Mediterranean Gull (Chris Hubbard) | |
25th | Redpoll 25 ringed today (SRG), Tree Sparrow 1
75 new birds ringed and 2 controls (SRG) |
23rd | MARSH HARRIER 1 'ZC' again (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH) |
'ZC' again (CMH), Fieldfare 300, GREAT EGRET 1, PINTAIL 1, Redwing
c200, Little Egret 1, Sparrowhawk 1, Buzzard 6, Red Kite 4, Lapwing c50,
Meadow Pipit c10, Goldcrest 5, Cetti's Warbler 2, Starling c2000, Teal 6
21st | MARSH HARRIER 1 'ZC' again (CMH), Cetti's Warbler 2, PINTAIL 1 |
20th | *LITTLE GULL* 2, a first-winter and an adult in and around the roost this evening (CMH), MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first winter (CMH), MARSH HARRIER 1 'ZC' again (CMH), Little Egret 1 |
19th | MARSH HARRIER 1 'ZC' again (CMH), MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost, the first of the autumn (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, PINTAIL 2, STONECHAT 1 (CMH), Barn Owl 1 |
18th | MARSH HARRIER 1 'ZC' again this AM (CMH), PINTAIL 3, DUNLIN 2 flew through this AM (CMH), Little Egret 1, Teal 4
17th | MARSH HARRIER 1 'ZC' again this AM (CMH), GREAT EGRET 2, PINTAIL 3 (CMH), Fieldfare c450, *MERLIN* 1 female along the permissive section of the disused railtrack (P Bunyard), Teal 4, Little Egret 1, Goosander 2(C Wormleighton)
| Merlin (Paul Bunyard) | |
new birds ringed today (SRG)
15th | MARSH HARRIER 1 'ZC' (CMH), GREAT EGRET 2, BRAMBLING 2, Redpoll c30, Siskin 5, Little Egret 1, PINTAIL 2, Snipe 2, Sparrowhawk 2
| Marsh Harrier 'ZC' (Chris Hubbard) |
84 new birds ringed today (SRG) |
14th | *WHOOPER SWAN* 1 late morning (CMH), MARSH HARRIER 1 wing-tagged, ZC (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 5, GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret, BRAMBLING 1 over
| Whooper Swan (Chris Hubbard) | |
13th | *WHOOPER SWAN* 5, 1 this AM and 4 this PM, the second and third records of 2023 (CMH/SCN), GARGANEY 1 again briefly on the dam (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), PINTAIL 1 female (CMH), Little Egret 1, MARSH HARRIER 1 (CMH)
| Garganey (Chris Hubbard) |
| Whooper Swan (Chris Hubbard) | |
12th | RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), GREAR EGRET 1 (CMH), Redpoll 30, PINTAIL 1 drake (PDH), Teal 18, |
11th | RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), STONECHAT 1 male at the dam (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 at the point, Golden Plover 35 over railtrack (CMH), Snipe 2 |
10th | *SHORT-EARED OWL* 1 briefly this morning, the first since 2020 (A Hiatt / A Homer), EGYPTIAN GOOSE 2, the first of 2023 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4, Redwing 752 (CMH), Skylark 66, Fieldfare 49, Swallow 4, Redpoll 4, Siskin 11
| Short-eared Owl (Ashley Hiatt) | |
9th | GREAT EGRET 6, 5 this AM before flying NW at 07.46 and 1 at dusk, a new site record (CMH), MARSH HARRIER 1
wing-tagged 'ZC' (B Silverman/CMH), REDWING min 3650 (CMH/M Townsend),
Fieldfare c250, Skylark c40 over, BRAMBLING 3 (M Townsend), WILLOW
WARBLER 1, likely of the northern race, acredula ringed this AM (SRG), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 still (D Hicklin), Golden Plover 1, Pintail 1, Tufted Duck 170
| Willow Warbler - likely of the Northern race, acredula (SRG) |
| Red-crested Pochard (Chris Hubbard)
| |
1 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 (CMH), Green Sandpiper 1, Swallow 12, PINTAIL 1,
Redwing 45, Water Rail 1, Little Egret 2, Lesser Black-backed Gull min
of 1100 into roost (CMH)
194 new birds ringed today, 13
retraps and 2 controls
2 (CMH), Swallow 9, Hobby 1 (CMH), Green Sandpiper 1, Siskin 1 Garden
Warbler 1 ringed this AM (SRG), Peregrine 1 (P Bateup), Little Grebe 20
| Green Sandpiper (Chris Hubbard) |
6th | GARGANEY 1 on the dam this afternoon (SCN), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), Meadow Pipit c150, Little Grebe 20 |
5th | *MERLIN* 1fem/imm at 18.34, the first of 2023 (CMH), MARSH HARRIER 1 (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 |
4th | RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4 (CMH), GREAR EGRET 1 (CMH), Snipe 2, Goosander 1, Lesser Redpoll 10, Little Grebe 20, Redwing 1, Swallow 17 |
3rd | GARGANEY 1 for most of the day in the Narrow, the 2nd record of 2023 (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4
(CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 (CMH), PINTAIL 1, Swallow 7, Water Rail 1, Little
Egret 1, Kingfisher 2, Meadow Pipit c30, Cetti's Warbler 2
| Garganey (Chris Hubbard) | |
(CMH), Garden Warbler 1 ringed this AM (SRG), Swallow 1, Redwing 3 (M
Townsend), Lesser Redpoll 27 (M Townsend), Skylark 13, STONECHAT 1 (CB),
Little Egret 1
146 new birds ringed this AM (SRG)
(CMH), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 1 (CMH), Kingfisher 1, Cetti's Warbler 1,
Little Grebe 15
4 (CMH), PINTAIL 1 (CMH), Snipe 2, Shoveler 35, Wigeon c110, Little
Grebe 20, Swallow c30, House Martin c10, Siskin several over, Lesser
Redpoll c20, Barn Owl 1, Meadow Pipit c100, Lesser Whitethroat 1 ringed
this AM (SRG), STONECHAT 1 (S Wright)
263 new birds ringed today plus re-traps and 1 control (SRG) |
1 wing-tagged this AM (CMH), Common Sandpiper 1, Lesser Redpoll 2 over,
Water Rail 1, Kingfisher 1, Little Egret 1, Pochard 10
(CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Hobby 1, Peregrine 1, Meadow Pipit c100, Cetti's
Warbler 2, Little Grebe 15
(B Silverman / CMH), STONECHAT 1 (B Silverman), Green Sandpiper 1,
Common Sandpiper 1, Little Grebe 9, Raven 10, Little Egret 1, Swallow
c100, Meadow Pipit c70, Pochard 8, Lesser Redpoll 4 including 1 ringed
278 new birds ringed today plus 2 retraps and 1 control (SRG) |
25th | Kingfisher
1, Red Kite 2, Common Sandpiper 1, PINTAIL 1 (GB), Wigeon c30
24th | RED-CRESTED POCHARD 2 drakes (CMH), Teal 1, Meadow Pipit 4, Common Sandpiper 1, Little Egret 1 |
23rd | Goosander 1 this AM (CMH), Siskin c20, Lesser Redpoll c5, Peregrine 1
275 new birds ringed today (SRG) |
22nd | RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (B&FG), Meadow Pipit c40, Shoveler 7, Whitethroat 1, Wigeon 12, Swallow / House Martin mixed flock c50 |
(N Jarvis), Teal 3, PINTAIL 1 (CMH), Peregrine 1 (P Bateup), Lesser
Redpoll 1 over, Siskin 5 over, Meadow Pipit c30, Little Egret 1, Common
Gull 1, Water Rail 1
255 new birds ringed today (SRG) |
20th | MARSH HARRIER 1 wing-tagged this evening (no code read) (CMH), Water Rail 1, Meadow Pipit 2, Teal 3, Common Sandpiper 3 |
wing-tagged, 'ZC' this AM (CMH), Hobby 1, Common Sandpiper 1, Little
Grebe 21, Swallow 85, House Martin 95, Wigeon c60, Little Egret 1, Sand
Martin 10
18th | PINTAIL
1 (CMH), Cetti's Warbler 3, Common Sandpiper 2, Little Grebe 26, Teal
1, Lapwing 1, Chiffchaff c15 at the point (CMH), Reed Warbler 1,
Whitethroat 1, Swallow 18, Skylark 10, Hobby 1, Little Egret 1 |
17th | MARSH HARRIER 1 wing-tagged, 'ZC' this AM (CMH), PINTAIL 1 female (CMH), Little Grebe 26 |
16th | MARSH HARRIER 2 (CMH), Water Rail 1, Hobby 2, Common Sandpiper 1, Little Grebe 22, Raven 20
500 new birds ringed today (SRG) |
15th | **HONEY BUZZARD** 1 very briefly this PM, a description is required and if accepted this will be only the 4th record for the site (S&MW), MARSH HARRIER 2
including an unread wing-tagged bird (B Silverman), GREAT EGRET 1,
Raven 25, Buzzard 10, Hobby 2, Common Sandpiper 2, Snipe 2, Little Egret
1, Little Grebe 20
212 new birds ringed today, 1 control and 3 retraps (SRG) |
14th | MARSH HARRIER 1 wing-tagged 'ZC' (CMH), Common Sandpiper 2, Hobby 2, Swallow c100
260 new birds ringed today (SRG) |
13th | MARSH HARRIER 3, including the two wing-tagged birds (CMH), RUDDY SHELDUCK 1 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 1, Siskin 16, Swallow c40, House Martin c20, Little Grebe 20, Hobby 1, Little Egret 1 |
12th | MARSH HARRIER 2 present, 1 wing-tagged 'ZC' and an untagged bird (CMH), RUDDY SHELDUCK 1 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 2, Tawny Owl 1, Water Rail 1, Hobby 2, Swallow 5
| Marsh Harrier 'ZC' - image taken on Saturday, still present today (D Dunne) |
| Ruddy Shelduck (Chris Hubbard) | |
11th | MARSH HARRIER 2 present, 1 wing-tagged 'ZC' and an untagged bird (CMH), RUDDY SHELDUCK 1 still (CMH), Hobby 1, Common Sandpiper 2, Tawny Owl 1
84 new birds ringed today, 2 controls and 26 retraps (SRG)
| Juvenile Great Crested Grebe (Chris Hubbard) |
| Ruddy Shelduck (Chris Hubbard) | |
10th | MARSH HARRIER 2 wing-tagged birds still present (CMH), RUDDY SHELDUCK
1 female on the dam early AM before flying off and then again this
evening, the first of 2023 (CMH), Siskin 4 over, Common Sandpiper 2,
Hobby 2, Yellow Wagtail 2 over, Little grebe 15, Tawny Owl 1
9th | MARSH HARRIER 3, 2 of which are wing-tagged - see below for details (CMH), Common Sandpiper 1, Peregrine 1
Marsh Harrier 'ZC' - ringed and tagged on 19th June 2023 at Breydon Water, Norfolk. sexed as a female based on size.
Marsh Harrier '6A' - ringed and tagged on 2nd July 2023 at Welney WWT, Cambs. Sexed as a female.
Information kindly provided by Phil Littler, North West Norfolk Ringing Group
429 new birds ringed today (SRG)
| Marsh Harrier - 'ZC' (Barry Silverman) |
| Marsh Harrier - '6A' (Chris Hubbard) | |
8th | MARSH HARRIER 2 (CMH), PINTAIL 11 this AM (CMH), Hobby 2, Common Sandpiper 1, Wigeon 30, Pochard 10, Green Sandpiper 1, Snipe 2 |
7th | *RINGED PLOVER* 3 flew through west calling this AM, the first of 2023 (CMH), MARSH HARRIER
1 over the reedbed (B&FG) and 2 this evening including a red wing
tagged bird (SCN/CMH), Golden Plover 2 flew east (CMH), Yellow Wagtail
2, Common Sandpiper 2, SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 1, Shoveler 21, Little Grebe
13, Wigeon 11, WHINCHAT 3 on a private part of the site but could be others around (CB)
208 new birds ringed today and 4 retraps (SRG) |
male in eclipse (SCN), Teal 3, WHEATEAR 1 around the spillway until
lunchtime at least, Common Sandpiper 1, Spotted Flycatcher 2, Yellow
Wagtail 2, Little Egret 2, REDSTART 1 (Dave Hughes)
248 new birds ringed today including 195 Blackcaps (SRG)
| Wheatear (Chris Hubbard) | |
5th | GREAT EGRET 1, Green Sandpiper 1, Common Sandpiper 1, Wigeon 4, Pochard 4, Shoveler c20, Teal 10
172 new birds ringed this AM and 6 retraps (SRG) |
4th | OSPREY 1 around 09.45, the third record of 2023, REDSTART 1 along the poplars (CMH), Yellow Wagtail 2 over, Swallow c50, Sand Martin 1, Green Sandpiper 1
261 new birds ringed this AM (SRG) |
2 this AM (CMH), Little Egret 1, Yellow Wagtail 6, Water Rail 1,
Swallow 25, Shoveler 25, Teal 4, Snipe 1, Meadow Pipit 12, Cormorant 30.
Shelduck 5 juveniles, Common Sandpiper 1,Lapwing 1, Cetti's Warbler 1,
Pochard 5 |
again this PM (SCN) and this evening (CMH), Hobby 1, Shoveler 25, Teal
10, Wigeon 2, Little Egret 1, Yellow Wagtail 1, Raven 25, Common
Sandpiper 1
275 new birds ringed today (SRG)
| Marsh Harrier, record shots (Chris Hubbard) | |
1st | Common Sandpiper 1, Great Crested Grebe c60, Teal 2, Wigeon 2, Kingfisher 1 |
31st | REDSTART 1 ringed this AM, taking the 2023 total to 59 (SRG), MARSH HARRIER
1 at 06.30 (CMH), SISKIN 1 (CMH/MJT), Swift 3, Common Sandpiper 1,
Yellow Wagtail 1, Raven 25, Cormorant 25, Little Egret 2, Hobby 1,
Shoveler 16, Little Grebe 16, Wigeon 3 (CMH)
209 new birds ringed today and 1 control (SRG) |
2, a male and female this AM (CMH), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 at box 23
(CMH), Raven 26 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 2, Lesser Whitethroat 10,
Whitethroat c25, Little Egret 2, Teal 3, Shoveler 6, Little Grebe 5,
Hobby 1, Red Kite 3, Buzzard 3
| Male Redstart (Chris Hubbard) | |
1 ringed this AM, taking the 2023 total to 58 (SRG), Little Egret 1,
Common Sandpiper 1, Raven 15
28th | **WRYNECK** 1
ringed this AM at 07.25, the first for the year and the 6th to be
ringed at the site. This is also the 4th consecutive year that this
species has been ringed (SRG), REDSTART 4 ringed this AM taking
the 2023 total to 57 (SRG), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 ringed (SRG), SISKIN
30 over, the first of the autumn (MJT), Common Sandpiper 2, Raven 20,
Wigeon 2, Spotted Flycatcher 2, Swift 5, Hobby 1
311 new birds ringed today, 16 retraps and 3 controls (SRG)
| Wryneck (SRG) | |
27th | *WHINCHAT* 2 this AM, the first to be ringed in 2023 (SRG) and a 2nd bird seen (CB), REDSTART
3 ringed this AM taking the 2023 total to 53 (SRG), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER
2 ringed (SRG), Lesser Whitethroat 6 ringed, Blackcap 84 ringed, Garden
Warbler 15 ringed, MARSH HARRIER 1 over Blowers at 10.25 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 2, Great Crested Grebe 60, Cormorant 40
269 new birds ringed today, 19 retraps and 1 control (SRG)
| Whinchat, the first to be ringed in 2023 (SRG) | |
26th | REDSTART 6 ringed this AM taking the 2023 total to 50 (SRG), *TREE PIPIT*
1 over (D Neal), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 ringed this AM (SRG), Common
Sandpiper 4, Raven 16, GREAT EGRET 1 over Blowers (MJT/CMH), Common Tern
194 new birds ringed today and 27 retraps (SRG)
| Male Redstart (SRG)
| Female Redstart (SRG) |
25th | *TREE PIPIT* 2 this AM, 1 ringed and another seen (CMH/SRG), WHINCHAT 1 (CMH), REDSTART 13 ringed, taking the 2023 total to 44 (SRG), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 6 ringed (SRG), Common Sandpiper 2 412 new birds ringed today, 22 retraps and 1 control (SRG) |
4 ringed, taking the 2023 total to 31 (SRG), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 2
ringed (SRG), Sedge Warbler 54 ringed, Willow Warbler 87 ringed, Lesser
Whitethroat 21 ringed, Garden Warbler 24 ringed, Wigeon 1, Pochard 1,
Great Crested Grebe 53, Yellow Wagtail 1
606 new birds ringed today, 17 retraps and 3 controls (SRG)
| Redstart - one of 31 ringed so far in 2023 (SRG) | |
23rd | REDSTART 3
ringed this AM taking the 2023 total to 27 (SRG) and 1 this evening
just up from the Welford Road car park (CMH), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 2
ringed this AM (SRG), Lesser Whitethroat 19 ringed this AM (SRG), Kingfisher 1 ringed this AM (SRG), Common Sandpiper 4, Little Grebe 13, Little Egret 2
312 new birds ringed today and 54 retraps (SRG) |
22nd | *BLACK TERN* 1 still (CMH), Common Sandpiper 5, Little Grebe 11, Raven 6
198 new birds ringed today, 44 retraps and 1 control (SRG)
21st | REDSTART 3 ringed this morning, taking the 2023 total to 24 (SRG), MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 juvenile this evening, the first of the autumn (CMH), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 5 ringed this AM (SRG), *BLACK TERN* 1 still (PDH), Little Grebe 13, Common Sandpiper 6, Shoveler 39, Swift c20
272 new birds ringed today, 18 retraps and 1 control (SRG)
| Grasshopper Warbler (SRG) |
| Redstart (SRG) | |
20th | **TREE PIPIT** 2 ringed this morning, the first to be ringed since 2021 (SRG), REDSTART 1 ringed this AM, the 21st of 2023 (SRG), *BLACK TERN* 1
still present until at least 09.30 (CMH), Hobby 1, Shelduck 2, Shoveler
22, Teal 6, Little Grebe 10, Kingfisher 2 including 1 ringed by SRG | one of two Tree Pipits ringed this AM (SRG) |
19th | *BLACK TERN* 1
moulting adult, the 15th of 2023 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 (CMH),
GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 ringed this AM (SRG), Common Sandpiper 6, Shelduck
2, Little Grebe 10, Teal 6, Common Gull 2, Little Egret 1, Kingfisher
1, Tufted Duck 1 adult with 13 young, Pochard 3
| Black Tern (Chris Hubbard) |
| Black Tern (Chris Hubbard) | |
18th | *REDSTART* 1 ringed this AM, the 20th of 2023 (SRG), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 1 ringed this AM (SRG), *RUFF* 1 fly through this evening at 18.17, the first of 2023 (CMH), MARSH HARRIER 1
juvenile over the fishing platform near the dam at 18.45 (CMH),
Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult briefly (CMH), Common Gull, 2, Common
Sandpiper 4, Little Egret 1, Little Grebe 3
| Redstart, the 20th to be ringed this year (SRG) | |
1 again this AM (CMH), GREAT EGRET (CMH), Common Sandpiper 4, Shoveler
15, Teal 12, Shelduck 2, Little Grebe 3, Little Egret 2, Lapwing 1 |
16th | *REDSTART* 12 ringed this AM (6 juv male, 5 juv female and an adult male) taking the total to 19 for 2023 (SRG), MARSH HARRIER 1 this AM (CMH/AGH/DS), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 5 ringed this AM (SRG)
451 new birds ringed this AM (SRG) |
15th | **SHAG**
1 this evening, the first since 2020 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 (A Herbert),
Spotted Flycatcher 4, Little Egret 3, Shoveler 20, Teal 1, Shelduck 4,
Green Sandpiper 1, Common Sandpiper 1, Yellow Wagtail 2
| Shag (Chris Hubbard) | |
14th | **TREE PIPIT**
1 over calling, the first of 2023 (CMH), Shelduck 4, Shoveler 10,
Little Egret 1, Common Sandpiper 1, Little Grebe 5, SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 2
(CMH/R Cross), Pochard 1 |
13th | Hobby
1, Shelduck 4, Little Grebe 3, Yellow Wagtail 1, Teal 2, Shoveler 20,
Black-headed Gull 13, Pochard 1
12th | *REDSTART* 3
ringed this AM taking the total to 7 in 2023 (SRG), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER
1 ringed this AM (SRG), Common Sandpiper 1, Shoveler 11, Common Tern
11, Little Grebe 4, Shelduck 2, Little Egret 2, PEREGRINE 1 (CMH), Hobby
1, Swift c25, House Martin c100
| Redstart, the 7th ringed in 2023 (SRG) | |
11th | DUNLIN
1 flew through this AM (CMH), Green Sandpiper 1, Common Sandpiper 1,
Yellow Wagtail 2, Shoveler 12, Little Grebe 7, Teal 1, Shelduck 3,
Little Egret 1, Common Tern 11 including 6 juveniles, Raven c30, Pied
Wagtail 12, Kingfisher 1
10th | *REDSTART* 1
ringed this AM, the 4th of 2023 (SRG), GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 1 ringed
this AM (SRG), Yellow Wagtail 12 (CMH), Shelduck 3, Little Egret 1,
Cetti's Warbler 1, Little Grebe 5, Shoveler 10, Common Sandpiper 1,
Common Tern 6
174 new birds ringed this AM (SRG)
| Redstart, the 4th ringed in 2023 (SRG) | |
9th | *GRASSHOPPER WARBLER* 1 ringed this AM, the first of 2023 (SRG), REDSTART
1 ringed this AM, the 3rd of 2023 (SRG), WHEATEAR 1 this evening, the
first of the autumn (GB), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 1 ringed this AM (SRG) and
another 3 this evening (GB), Common Sandpiper 1, Shelduck 3, Yellow
Wagtail 1, Little Egret 3, Shoveler 10, Teal 4
298 new birds ringed this AM
| Redstart, the 3rd ringed in 2023 (SRG) |
| Grasshopper Warbler - our first record of 2023 (SRG) | |
8th | Shelduck
3, Shoveler 30, Black-headed Gull c120 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 1,
Lesser Whitethroat 4, Yellow Wagtail 2, Cetti's Warbler 1 |
7th | WILLOW
WARBLER 93 ringed this AM (SRG), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 2, Green Sandpiper 2
(CMH), Yellow Wagtail at least 11 (CMH), Shelduck 2, Cetti's Warbler 1
ringed this AM (SRG), Shoveler 10, Little Egret 1, Hobby 1, Little Grebe
3, Teal 1
290 new birds ringed, 33 retraps and 2 controls this AM (SRG). One of the controls is a French ringed Sedge Warbler |
6th | Shelduck
3, Shoveler 11, Teal 8, Pochard 1, Common Sandpiper 2, Hobby 1, Yellow
Wagtail 2
5th | Shelduck 3, Little Egret 2, Shoveler 11, Teal 1 |
1 the first of 2023, before being mobbed by Ravens and heading high SE
(CMH), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER at least 6, Raven 14 (CMH), Teal 6, Shoveler
11, Grey Heron 4
3rd | *BLACK-TAILED GODWIT* 1, the 11th of 2023 (CMH), REDSTART 2, the first in Blowers Lodge Bay (B Silverman) and a juvenile male ringed (SRG), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 2 ringed this AM (SRG), Shelduck 4, Common Gull 5 over
| Redstart (SRG - image Chris Hubbard) |
| Spotted Flycatcher (SRG - image Chris Hubbard) |
| Black-tailed Godwit (Chris Hubbard) | |
2nd | Hobby
1, Shelduck 3, Common Sandpiper 1
1st | SPOTTED FLYCATCHER c10 still (Andy Burns/CMH), Common Sandpiper 4 (SCN), Oystercatcher 2, Shelduck 8
| Spotted Flycatcher (Andy Burns)
31st | SPOTTED
FLYCATCHER 6, Common Sandpiper 1m Little Grebe 1, Shelduck 8, Pochard
1, Raven 8, Lesser Whitethroat 5, Cetti's Warbler , Shoveler 7, Little
Egret 2, Grey Heron 3, Oystercatcher 2
30th | SPOTTED FLYCATCHER at least 10 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 1, Shelduck 8, Little Egret 2, Yellow Wagtail 1, Little Grebe 3
| Spotted Flycatchers (Chris Hubbard) | |
29th | SPOTTED
FLYCATCHER 2, Common Sandpiper 4, Kingfisher 2, Raven 6, Hobby 1,
Little Egret 3, Coot c185, Red Kite 2, Sparrowhawk 1, Shelduck 8,
Shoveler 8, Goldcrest 2, Linnet 6, Garden Warbler 3, Teal 3, Pochard 1 |
28th | SPOTTED
FLYCATCHER 6 (CMH), Shelduck 8, Common Sandpiper 2, Little Egret 3,
Yellow Wagtail 2, Snipe 1 (CMH), Shoveler 9, Teal 2, Kingfisher 1, |
27th | SPOTTED
FLYCATCHER 10 this evening (CMH), Common Sandpiper 2, Shelduck 8,
Yellow Wagtail 4, Pochard 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Shoveler 10, Little
Egret 3 |
26th | *WHINCHAT* 3 (CMH),
GOOSANDER 4 juveniles west over the dam (CMH), Common Sandpiper 3,
Shoveler 10. Yellow Wagtail 3, Hobby 2, Shelduck 8, Teal 1, Pochard 1,
Little Egret 1
Purple Hairstreak 1 (D Dunne)
| Purple Hairstreak (Dave Dunne) | |
25th | *WHINCHAT* 3 this evening (CMH), *BLACK-TAILED GODWIT*
1 on the dam all day, the 10th of 2023 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 4,
Yellow Wagtail 3, Shoveler 11, Shelduck 8, Teal 1, Little Egret 1, Hobby
1, Pochard 1
| Black-tailed Godwit (Chris Hubbard) | |
24th | *WHINCHAT* 3
this evening (CMH), Common Sandpiper 4, Shelduck 8, Pochard 1, Hobby 2
23rd | *WHINCHAT*
2 this evening (CMH), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 4 (SCN), Common Sandpiper 5
(CMH), Oystercatcher 1, Shoveler 5, Shelduck 7, Yellow Wagtail 1, Tufted
Duck 1 female with 1 duckling, the first of 2023 (CMH), Hobby 1, Mistle
Thrush 2, Little Egret 2, Raven 6, Little Grebe 1, Mute Swan 91, Grey
Heron 3, Red Kite 4, Sparrowhawk 1, Common Buzzard 2, Pochard 1
22nd | GOOSANDER 3 juveniles briefly this PM (CMH), Common Sandpiper 8, Shelduck 8, Shoveler 3, Teal 3
| Goosander - 3 juveniles (Chris Hubbard) | |
21st | Common
Sandpiper 7, Shelduck 8, Hobby 1, Yellow Wagtail 2, Kingfisher 1
20th | **QUAIL**
1 singing this AM and again this evening, the first of 2023 and the
second year running we have recorded this species (M Townsend/CMH),
Common Sandpiper 7, Oystercatcher 1, Yellow Wagtail 2 ringed this AM
(SRG), Teal 2, Shelduck 8 | Yellow Wagtail - Juvenile, the first ringed in 2023 (SRG)
| 154 new birds ringed and 32 retraps this AM (SRG) |
19th | Common
Sandpiper 4 (CMH), Oystercatcher 4, Shelduck 8, Tufted Duck 151,
Pochard 1, Hobby 1, Yellow Wagtail 2, Little Egret 1
18th | *REDSTART*
1 juvenile ringed this AM, the first of 2023 (M Townsend), MANDARIN 1
female on the dam this evening (CMH), Common Sandpiper 13 (SCN/CMH),
Shelduck 8, Yellow Wagtail 3
| Mandarin (Chris Hubbard) |
115 new birds ringed this AM (SRG) |
17th | Common Sandpiper 2, RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), Shelduck 8, Mistle Thrush 2, Hobby 2, Little Egret 2, Pochard 1
| Red-crested Pochard (Chris Hubbard) | |
POCHARD 1 still (CMH), Common Sandpiper 3, Shelduck 8, Common Tern 18,
Peregrine 1, Hobby 1, Oystercatcher 2, Little Egret 2, Kingfisher 2,
Teal 2, Linnet 3, Swift c20, House Martin c70, Red Kite 2, Sparrowhawk
1, Buzzard 1, Yellow Wagtail 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1
No sign of the Black-necked Grebe today.
Butterflies - Small and Large White, Ringlet, Gatekeeper, Red Admiral, Meadow Brown, Small and Large Skipper, Painted Lady and Small Tortoiseshell (S&MW) |
15th | **BLACK-NECKED GREBE** 1 juvenile present around the dam all day, the first since 2020 (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1, Shelduck 8, Yellow Wagtail 2
| Black-necked Grebe (Chris Hubbard) | |
POCHARD 1 (CMH), Shelduck 8, Common Sandpiper 1, Mute Swan 140,
Oystercatcher 2
13th | Common
Sandpiper 8 (CMH), Oystercatcher 3, Shelduck 8, Mistle Thrush 1
12th | REDSHANK 2 on the dam, the 3rd record of the year - 6 birds in total for 2023 (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD
1 female still (CMH), Common Sandpiper 3, Shelduck 2 adults and 6
juveniles still, Oystercatcher 3, Yellow Wagtail 2, Shoveler 1, Swift
c40 |
11th | *WHIMBREL* 1 flew west at 06.27, the first of 2023 (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD
1 female (CMH), Common Sandpiper 3, Swift c80, Sand Martin c100,
Shelduck 8, Kingfisher 2, Raven 4, Oystercatcher 6 (SCN), Sparrowhawk 2,
Hobby 1, Yellow Wagtail 2, Pintail 1 hybrid type (seems to have some
Pintail in it but not pure)
| Whimbrel (Chris Hubbard) | |
3 flew through SW, at 07.39 (CMH), Oystercatcher 2, Shelduck 8, Little
Grebe, Kingfisher 1, Little Egret 2, Common Sandpiper 1, Swift c100
1 briefly this AM (CMH), Common Sandpiper 3, Teal 12, Little Egret 2,
Oystercatcher 4, Shelduck 8 (including 6 young), Cetti's Warbler 1
ringed this AM, Raven 6, Kingfisher 2, Collared Dove 1, the first of
2023 (CMH)
Redstart 1 female at Stanford Hall (CB) |
8th | Common
Sandpiper 2, Peregrine 1, Oystercatcher 3, Teal 12, Shoveler 7, Pochard
5, Little Egret 5, Kingfisher 2, Common Tern 14 adults plus young which
are now starting to fly, Cetti's Warbler 1, Raven 1, Lapwing 13 flew
west |
7th | *BLACK-TAILED GODWIT* 5 on the dam, the first of 2023 (S Wright et al), Shelduck 8 (including 6 young), Little Grebe 1 juvenile, Common Sandpiper 3
| Black-tailed Godwits (S Nichols) | |
6th | Shelduck 8 (2 adults and 6 young), Common Sandpiper 2, Red Kite 1, Little Egret 1 |
4th | Common
Sandpiper 3, Swift c10, House Martin c100, Green Woodpecker 3
3rd | Common Sandpiper 1, Mistle Thrush 1, Green Woodpecker 1, Teal 1, Swift / House Martin c50 mixed group |
2nd | Common
Sandpiper 2, Oystercatcher 1, Mistle Thrush 2, Green Woodpecker 2,
Greenfinch 1, Swift c50, Hobby 1, Grey Wagtail 6
1st | Common Sandpiper 4, Little Egret 1, Oystercatcher 2, Swift c25 |
30th | Common
Sandpiper 7, Oystercatcher 3, Swift c10, Little Egret 1, Grey Wagtail
29th | CURLEW
1 flew NW this evening (CMH), Oystercatcher 3, Common Sandpiper 1,
Cuckoo 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Swift c30, Little Egret 1, Canada Goose 12
including 8 juveniles
| Juvenile Moorhen (Chris Hubbard) | |
28th | Common
Sandpiper 2, Cuckoo 1, Swift c30, Cormorant 3, Shelduck 2
27th | Common
Sandpiper 5 (CMH), Cuckoo 1 rufous morph female still (CMH), Little
Egret 2, Herring Gull 4, Raven 2, Sparrowhawk 1, Swift c40, Little Grebe
1 juvenile, Green Woodpecker 2, Kingfisher 1, Shelduck 1 |
26th | SPOTTED
FLYCATCHER 1 (CMH/J Lambert), Common Sandpiper 2, Cuckoo 2,
Oystercatcher 3, Little Grebe 1, Hobby 1, Little Egret 3, Kingfisher 1,
Teal 1, Lapwing 1, Swift c50, Green Woodpecker 1, Cormorant 1
25th | *CROSSBILL*
1 flew SW this morning at 07.12, the first since 2020 (CMH), Cuckoo 2,
Shelduck 1, Oystercatcher 1, Little Egret 3
24th | Kingfisher 1 ringed this AM (SRG), Cuckoo 2, Common Sandpiper 1, Little Grebe 4, Gadwall 14 including 1 with 2 young, Common Tern 29
including 15 pulli ringed at the tern raft (SRG)
23rd | Kingfisher
1, Little Grebe 1
3 (SCN), Little Grebe 1, Black-headed Gull 1 juvenile
21st | Cuckoo
2, Oystercatcher 2, Common Sandpiper 1, Little Grebe 1
20th | GREEN
SANDPIPER 1 on the dam (CMH), CURLEW 1 over calling (CMH), Shelduck 1,
Kingfisher 1 on the spillway wall, Common Tern several pairs with at
least 5 young on the raft, Little Grebe 2, Cetti's Warbler 1
19th | Cuckoo
2 including the rufous morph bird, Cetti's Warbler 2, Common Gull 1,
Little Egret 2, Kingfisher 1, Garden Warbler at least 3 singing
18th | Cuckoo 2, Common Sandpiper 1, Oystercatcher 2, Little Egret 4, Mistle Thrush 1, Common Gull 1 Cetti's Warbler 2
singing Marsh Warbler found on June 7th has been accepted by the
Leicestershire & Rutland Records Committee as the 9th ever record
| Common Gull and House Martin collecting nesting material (Chris Hubbard) | |
17th | Cuckoo
1, Little Egret 4, Shelduck 1, Common Gull 1, Cetti's Warbler 3,
Oystercatcher 1, Lapwing 1, Tawmy Owl 2
16th | Common
Gull 1, Little Egret 1, Shelduck 1, Cuckoo 2
15th | Cuckoo
1, Cetti's Warbler 3, Yellow Wagtail 1, Oystercatcher 1, Shelduck 1,
Hobby 1, Common Gull 1
14th | Little
Egret 2, Cuckoo 2, Oystercatcher 1, Shoveler 1, Common Gull 1 2CY
(CMH), Cetti's Warbler 3, Yellow Wagtail 1, Gadwall 2 females with 6
young in total (SCN)
| Yellow Wagtail (Chris Hubbard) | |
13th | Cuckoo
2, Oystercatcher 1, Little Grebe 1, Cetti's Warbler 4, Gadwall 1 female
with 7 young, Pochard 1
12th | Cuckoo
3, Cetti's Warbler 3, Mute Swan cygnets 9, Gadwall 1 female with 8
young, Common Tern 6, Garden Warbler 6, Oystercatcher 3, Hobby 2, Barn
Owl 1
11th | Cuckoo
3 including a rufous-morph bird again (CMH), Shoveler 2, Common Tern 6,
Lapwing 10, Little Egret 1, Mistle Thrush 1, Hobby 4 (CMH), Shelduck 1,
Tawny Owl 2 calling at dusk
10th | Cuckoo 2, Hobby 1, Pochard 5 drakes, Little Egret 1 |
9th | Cuckoo
2, Lapwing 1, Hobby 1
8th | No
sign of the MARSH WARBLER or GOLDEN ORIOLE today. Hobby 2, Cuckoo at
least 3 including a rufous-morph bird (CMH), Cetti's Warbler 2, Yellow
Wagtail 1, Lapwing 1 |
1 singing but very elusive along the path bordering the Leicestershire
reedbed, the first in L&R since 2000 (9th overall record for the
county) and the 6th record for the site. Video of the song posted on
twitter @c4hub and the LROS Facebook page (CMH), **GOLDEN ORIOLE** 1 singing briefly this evening close to the reedbed (T Ellery et al), SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 1, the first of 2023 (CMH), Hobby 4 (PDH), Cuckoo 4, Tawny Owl 1, Kingfisher 1, Little Grebe 1
to all visiting birders who made a donation - all proceeds to the
ringing group and the excellent work they do year in, year out. Thanks
to Ian Martindale at STWA for allowing access to visiting birders.
6th | Cuckoo
3, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, Hobby 1, Common Tern 6,
Yellow Wagtail 1
5th | Cuckoo
2, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, Hobby 1, Shoveler 1
4th | Cuckoo
2, Lesser Whitethroat 2, Cetti's Warbler 2, Hobby 1, Yellow Wagtail 2
3rd | Common Tern c10 including a yellow colour-ringed bird, C.70 which was ringed as a pullus at Bedfont Lakes Country Park, Greater London in June 2020. This is the first sighting since being ringed (CMH), Cetti's Warbler 2, Oystercatcher 3 this evening (CMH), Hobby 1, Cuckoo 2 | Oystercatcher (Chris Hubbard) |
| Common Tern, C.70 (Chris Hubbard) |
2nd | *BLACK TERN* 1 early AM and then a further 3 at 12.00 noon (CMH), Cuckoo 2, Cetti's Warbler 2, Hobby 2
Polish ringed Common Tern with white flag 'FME' was ringed in Gdansk
Port on July 9th 2020 and is the first sighting of this bird outside of
Poland (CMH) |
1st | *COMMON SCOTER* 12
including 3 drakes found early AM increased to 13 later in the day when
a lone female found in Blowers Lodge Bay joined the group of 12 (CMH), *BLACK TERN* 8 (CMH), Cuckoo 2, Common Tern c8 including a colour flagged bird from a scheme in Poland (awaiting information) (CMH) | 12 Common Scoter (Chris Hubbard) |
31st | *SANDERLING* 2 - 1 early AM and 1 late evening, the first since 2021 (CMH), *GREENSHANK* 1 on the small pool near the dam and then on the dam, the 2nd of 2023 (CMH), Cuckoo 2, Cetti's Warbler 2 | Sanderling (Chris Hubbard)
30th | Common Sandpiper 1, Common Tern 12, Cuckoo 3, Cetti's Warbler 1, Hobby 1, Raven 4, Oystercatcher 3, Yellow Wagtail 1, Swift c80
| Swift (Paul Bunyard, Wildaboutimages) | |
29th | *BLACK TERN* 1, the 3rd of 2023 (CMH), Cuckoo 3, Shelduck 2, Lesser Whitethroat 5, Cetti's Warbler 2
| Black Tern (Chris Hubbard) |
| Black Tern (Paul Bunyard, Wildaboutimages) | |
28th | OSPREY
1 this AM at 08.25, the 2nd of 2023 (CMH), Cuckoo 2, Little Egret 1,
Shoveler 2, Shelduck 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Common Tern 6
27th | *GREENSHANK* 1 flew through at 09.20, the first of 2023 (CMH/M Townsend), Cuckoo 3, Shelduck 2, Little Egret 1 |
26th | Cuckoo 3, Shelduck 2, Cetti's Warbler 2, Oystercatcher 2, Yellow Wagtail 2, Lesser Whitethroat 3, Little Egret 1
| Cuckoo (Paul Bunyard) |
| Barn Owl (Paul Bunyard) | |
25th | Shelduck
2, Yellow Wagtail 2, Red Kite 2
24th | Hobby
1, Yellow Wagtail 1, Shelduck 2, Cuckoo 2, Cetti's Warbler 1, Pochard 1
23rd | Hobby
2, Cuckoo 2, Shelduck 2, Yellow Wagtail 1
22nd | Common
Sandpiper 4 (CMH), Shelduck 2, Cuckoo 2, Cetti's Warbler 2, Little
Egret 1, Red Kite 2
1 drake flew towards the dam but not relocated (CMH), Cuckoo 2, Hobby 5
(CMH), Common Sandpiper 2, Shelduck 2, Little Egret 2, Pochard 1 drake,
Lesser Black-backed Gull 12 through early AM (CMH), Cetti's Warbler 1,
Red Kite 8, Tawny Owl 2
20th | Common
Sandpiper 1, Shelduck 1, Hobby 2, Oystercatcher 2
19th | Cuckoo
1, Cetti's Warbler 3, Shelduck 2, Yellow Wagtail 1, Common Sandpiper 2
(CMH), Hobby 8 (CMH), Buzzard 4, Sparrowhawk 1, Red Kite 2
| Common Sandpiper (Chris Hubbard) | |
18th | Hobby
2, Cuckoo 1, Shelduck 2, Common Tern 8, Little Egret 1, Shoveler 1,
Yellow Wagtail 1
1 drake flew through this AM, the first of 2023 (CMH), Cuckoo 1,
Lapwing 1, Red Kite 1, Common Tern 4, Cetti's Warbler 2, Common
Sandpiper 1, Hobby 2 (P Bunyard) | Hobby (Paul Bunyard, Wildaboutimages) |
16th | Hobby
5 hawking (CMH), Common Sandpiper 1, Oystercatcher 1, Cuckoo 2, Snipe
1, Common Tern 4, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Cetti's Warbler 3, Snipe 1 (CB) |
15th | OSPREY
1 flew through at 06.53, the first of 2023 (B Silverman), Hobby 5
(CMH), Common Sandpiper 1, Cuckoo 1, Garden Warbler 4, Yellow Wagtail 1,
Cetti's Warbler 1 | Osprey (B Silverman)
14th | Cuckoo
2, Peregrine 1 (CMH/P Bunyard), Hobby 3 (SCN), Lesser Whitethroat 2,
Cetti's Warbler 2, Reed Warbler c15 in reed bed, Common Tern 6
| Common Tern (Chris Hubbard) | |
13th | Cuckoo
2, Common Sandpiper 1, Hobby 1
12th | Cuckoo
2, Hobby 4 hawking (CMH), Kingfisher 1, Common Tern 12, Little Egret 1,
Swift c80, Common Sandpiper 2, Tawny Owl 1
11th | Hobby
5 hawking (CMH), Buzzard 8, Cuckoo 1, Yellow Wagtail 1, Mute Swan 55,
Lesser Whitethroat 1
10th | Cuckoo
1, Garden Warbler 5, Hobby 4 hawking early PM (CMH), Kingfisher 1,
Cetti's Warbler 2, Common Tern 6, Reed Warbler at least 10 on
Leicestershire side this AM (CMH), Yellow Wagtail 2
9th | Cuckoo 1, Common Tern 10, Hobby 1, Little Egret 1, Cuckoo 2, Cetti's Warbler 2, Garden Warbler 5
| Garden Warbler (Chris Hubbard) |
8th | Cuckoo
1, Common Tern 12, Oystercatcher 3, Little Egret 1, Shelduck 2, Hobby 1
7th | Cuckoo
1, Common Sandpiper 1, Common Tern 9, Little Egret 1, Cetti's Warbler 3
6th | Cuckoo
1, Common Tern 6, Oystercatcher 1, Little Egret 1, Common Sandpiper 1,
Shelduck 2
5th | Common
Sandpiper 1, Barn Owl 1, Cuckoo 1, Cetti's Warbler 1
4th | Cuckoo 2, Common Tern 6, DUNLIN 1 on the dam, the 3rd of 2023 (B&FG), Garden Warbler 4, Common Sandpiper 1
| Cuckoo (Paul Bunyard, Wildaboutimages) | |
3rd | HOUSE
SPARROW 1 this AM, the first of 2023 (CMH), Cuckoo 2, Cetti's Warbler
2, Curlew 1 (P Bunyard), Yellow Wagtail 1, Little Egret 1
2nd | Cuckoo
2, Common Tern 6, Oystercatcher 2, Little Egret 1
1st | *GARGANEY* 1 female this AM, the first of 2023. Initially on the field pool and then moved to Blowers Lodge (CMH), DUNLIN 1 on the dam, the second of 2023 (CMH), Cuckoo 2, Garden Warbler 4, Cetti's Warbler 2, Oystercatcher 2
| Dunlin (Chris Hubbard) |
| Female Garganey (Chris Hubbard) | |
30th | *WHINCHAT*
1 this AM, the first of 2023 (CMH), Common Tern 9, Hobby 1 (CMH),
Shoveler 2, Teal 2, Little Egret 1, Goldeneye 2, Swift c25,
Oystercatcher 3, Garden Warbler 3
| Whinchat record shot (Chris Hubbard) | |
29th | Cuckoo
2 (P Bunyard), Common Sandpiper 2, Common Tern 9, Goldeneye 2, Shoveler
2, Oystercatcher 2, Curlew 1 (M Townsend), Little Egret 1
Late news for 25th - 'CHANNEL' WAGTAIL briefly on the dam with 5 Yellow Wagtails (D Peacock/D Goldsmith) | Channel Wagtail (D Goldsmith)
28th | Hobby
1, Common Sandpiper 1, Oystercatcher 3, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Common
Tern 11, Goldeneye 2, Shoveler 2, Snipe 1, Swift 2, Yellow Wagtail 1
27th | *BLACK TERN* 1 present from 08.30 until 18.00 at least, the 2nd of 2023 (CMH), Common Sandpiper 2, Swift
1, the first of 2023 (CMH), Garden Warbler 3, Cuckoo 1, Little Egret 1,
Snipe 1, Yellow Wagtail 2, Common Tern 12 (D Hicklin), Hobby 1 (D
Hicklin), Willow Warbler 9, Oystercatcher 1
| Black Tern (Chris Hubbard) | |
26th | Common
Sandpiper 3, Shoveler 2, Shelduck 2, Reed Warbler 2, Common Tern 8,
Fieldfare 1, Snipe 1, Lesser Whitethroat 2
25th | Cuckoo
1, Common Sandpiper 2, Oystercatcher 2, Buzzard 4, Yellow Wagtail 6,
Grey Wagtail 2, Blackcap, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff good numbers
around the reservoir
24th | COMMON
SANDPIPER 2 on the dam, the first of 2023 (CMH), REED WARBLER 2, the
first of 2023 (CMH), Common Tern 1, Cuckoo 1, Cetti's Warbler 2
23rd | *BLACK TERN* 1 between 07.20 and 08.20, the first of 2023 (CMH), DUNLIN 1 on the dam early AM, the first of 2023 (CMH), *ARCTIC TERN* 3 early morning (CMH), *COMMON SCOTER*
2 early AM and still present 17.30, the 2nd and 3rd record of 2023 (J
Cook/CMH), HOBBY 1 the first of 2023 (CMH), Cuckoo 1, WHEATEAR 1 at the
dam (CB), Garden Warbler 1 this AM, the first of 2023 (K Reeves),
Cetti's Warbler 2, Yellow Wagtail 1
| Cuckoo (Barry Silverman) |
| Common Scoters, Black Tern and Dunlin (Chris Hubbard) | |
1 on the dam, mid-morning (S Wright / CMH), LESSER WHITETHROAT at least
3, the first of 2023, Whitethroat 4, Sedge Warbler 4, Oystercatcher 3,
Cuckoo 1, Snipe 1, Goldeneye 6
| Barn Owl (all images courtesy of Paul Bunyard, Wildaboutimages) | |
21st | **LITTLE GULL** 2
adults this PM, the first since 2021 and part of a large inland
movement (SCN), CUCKOO 1 calling at 05.20 (CMH), Little Egret 4,
Goldeneye 6, Common Tern 1, Whitethroat 1, Oystercatcher 1
| Little Gull (Chris Hubbard) | |
20th | Oystercatcher
3, Shelduck 2, Yellow Wagtail 2, Whitethroat 1, the first of 2023
(CMH), Shoveler 2, Teal 4, Goldeneye 3, Little Egret 2, Common Tern 1
19th | CUCKOO
1, the first of 2023 (D Peacock / D Goldsmith), Blackcap at least 8
singing males, Yellow Wagtail 2
17th | *ARCTIC TERN*
5, the first of 2023 (SCN), Oystercatcher 1, Goldeneye 6, Shoveler 3
14th | Yellow
Wagtail 11, Goldeneye 5
13th | Oystercatcher
2, Barn Owl 2, Shelduck 2, Cetti's Warbler 3, Yellow Wagtail 12
11th | Yellow
Wagtail 7, Cetti's Warbler 3, House Martin c20, Swallow c50, Sand
Martin c40, Willow Warbler at least 7, Little Egret 1, WHEATEAR 2 (K
10th | **KITTIWAKE**
1 adult between 07.20 and 08.08 when it flew off east. The second
record of 2023 (CMH), HOUSE MARTIN 4, the first of 2023 (CMH), COMMON
TERN 2, the first record of 2023 (CMH), Yellow Wagtail 5, Shelduck 2,
Sedge Warbler 1, Little Egret 3, Sand Martin c100, Swallow c40, Blackcap
4, Willow Warbler 4, Cetti's Warbler 2
| Adult Kittiwake (Chris Hubbard) |
1, the first of 2023 (CMH), SEDGE WARBLER 1 singing, the first of 2023,
Oystercatcher 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Snipe 11, Yellow Wagtail 4
8th | Shelduck
2, Fieldfare c140 (CMH), Blackcap 3, Willow Warbler 4
1 drake this afternoon, the first since 2019 (CMH), Curlew 1 (D
Sheffield), Shelduck 2, Oystercatcher 2, Yellow Wagtail 1, Goldeneye 35
(B Bullock), Shoveler 2
| Common Scoter (Chris Hubbard) | |
4th | CURLEW
1 flew east, calling (CMH), Shoveler 6, Barn Owl 2 (P Bunyard), Willow
Warbler 2, Blackcap 2, Lesser Redpoll 1, Wigeon 2, Goldeneye 5 Barn Owl (Paul Bunyard, Wildaboutimages)
| Barn Owl (Paul Bunyard, Wildaboutimages) |
flew north, the first of 2023 (M Townsend) and 2 later (along with 2
White Wagtails) this evening (CMH), Little Egret 6 flew east (CMH), Barn
Owl 1 hunting early morning (CMH), Tree Sparrow 9 (SRG), Shelduck 2,
Goosander 2, Swallow 2, Willow Warbler 2, Cetti's Warbler 2, Meadow
Pipit 4, Shoveler 2
| Tree Sparrow (SRG) | |
1, the first of 2023 (CMH), Willow Warbler 1, Oystercatcher 1, Swallow
3, Sand Martin 5, Snipe 1, Teal 15, Goosander 2, Little Egret 1
1 (CMH), WILLOW WARBLER 2 singing, the first of 2023 (CMH), Cetti's
Warbler 3, Swallow 5, Sand Martin c30, Oystercatcher 2, Goosander 1,
Little Egret 1, Kingfisher 1, Mistle Thrush 2, Fieldfare 10, Bullfinch 1
31st | PINTAIL
1 drake (CMH), Little Egret 1, Goosander 1, Swallow 2, Snipe 1
30th | Goosander
2, Sand Martin c30, Oystercatcher 2, Swallow 1, Pochard 8, Goldeneye
14, Gadwall 14
29th | Cetti's
Warbler 2, Shelduck 1, Oystercatcher 1, Little Egret 2, SWALLOW 2, the
first of 2023 (CMH/SCN), Sand Martin c70 this evening (CMH), Snipe 5,
Goldeneye 22, Shoveler 3
28th | Little
Egret 2, Shelduck 1, Snipe 12, Sand Martin 14, Goldeneye 16
27th | Cetti's
Warbler 4, Shelduck 1, Oystercatcher 2, Goosander 1 female, Little
Egret 1, Teal 3, Mistle Thrush 1, Grey Wagtail 2
2 flew NW at 17.45, the first of 2023 (R Cross), CURLEW 1 flew west and
then east, calling (CMH), Shoveler 2, Sparrowhawk 1, Cetti's Warbler 1,
Shelduck 1, Snipe 12, Buzzard 4, Red Kite 2
25th | Cetti's
Warbler 2, Sand Martin 2, Shoveler 1, Wigeon 10, Meadow Pipit 3 over,
Shelduck 1, Mistle Thrush 2, Oystercatcher 2, Fieldfare c50, Redwing 5,
Little Egret 2, Sparrowhawk 1, Goosander 1
24th | Peregrine
1 (CMH), Snipe 8, Sand Martin 2, Cetti's Warbler 3, Chiffchaff 15 in
song (CMH), Oystercatcher 1, Shoveler 1, Fieldfare 40, Redwing 3,
Buzzard 3, Little Egret 1, Skylark 3, Kingfisher 1, Lesser Redpoll 3,
Goldeneye 21, Raven 2
23rd | Oystercatcher 1, Goosander 7, Chiffchaff 2, Goldeneye 43 (CMH) |
22nd | Sand
Martin 10 this AM (CMH), Oystercatcher 1, Little Egret 2, Wigeon 22,
Kingfisher 1, Chiffchaff 12+, Goldeneye c30, Goosander 3, Shelduck 1 | Goosander (F Graves) |
19th | Sand Martin 2, the first of 2023 (CB), STONECHAT
1 female (CB), Oystercatcher 1, Chiffchaff 6 (SCN), Wigeon 26,
Goldeneye c30, Shoveler 2, Gadwall c10, Fieldfare c40, Redwing 5
18th | Golden Plover 2, Chiffchaff 4, Lesser Redpoll 2, Siskin 3, Tree Sparrow 6, the first of 2023 (M Townsend) |
16th | Oystercatcher
1, Goosander 6, Goldeneye 31, GREAT EGRET 1, Shoveler 2,
12th | STONECHAT 2 (CB), Little Egret 1, GREAT EGRET 1, Herring Gull
1 colour-ringed bird briefly on the dam (code - G=K), ringed on 28 June
2022 in Stonehouse near Bristol and this is the first sighting (CMH),
Cetti's Warbler 1, Goldeneye 32, Goosander 3, Snipe 1, Coot 194, Tufted
Duck 134, Gadwall 64, Pochard 31, Water Rail 1, Greylag Goose 111, Teal
6, Shoveler 5, Wigeon 73
| Herring Gull - colour-ringed G=K (Chris Hubbard) | |
11th | CASPIAN GULL 1 first-winter in the Narrows (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Grey Wagtail 2, Goosander 2, Cetti's Warbler 3, Water Rail 1, Goldeneye 32
| Caspian Gull (Chris Hubbard) | |
10th | STONECHAT 1
(CMH, B&FG), Oystercatcher 1, Grey Wagtail 2, Goosander 5, Reed
Bunting 3, Goldeneye 5
2, both new birds with 1 in each county (CMH), Lesser Redpoll 1,
Sparrowhawk 1
(CMH), Little Egret 1, GREAT EGRET 1
7th | MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), REDSHANK 1 flew west calling at 07.45, the first of 2023 (CMH), STONECHAT
1 (CMH), Oystercatcher 2, GREAT EGRET 2, Teal 4, PEREGRINE 1 over, the
first of 2023 (CMH), Lesser Redpoll 7, Goosander 9, Cetti's Warbler 1,
Goldeneye 26 (CMH)
6th | MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), STONECHAT 1 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 2 (CMH), Wigeon 165, Goosander 10, Little Egret 1, Teal 5, Shoveler 5 |
5th | CURLEW 1 flew through this evening, the first of 2023 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, STONECHAT
1 (CMH), SHELDUCK 1 (CMH), Oystercatcher 3, Goosander 12, Cetti's
Warbler 1, Teal 7, Wigeon 54, Red Kite 1, Raven 4, Goldfinch 3,
Treecreeper 1, Grey Wagtail 1
4th | GREAT
EGRET 1, STONECHAT 1 (CMH), Goosander 8, Mistle Thrush 2, Goldeneye 22,
Siskin 1 over the dam, the first of 2023 (CMH) |
1 (CMH), Little Egret 1, Goosander 8
2nd | GREAT EGRET 1, Goosander 13, STONECHAT
1, Oystercatcher 1
1 still (CMH), Oystercatcher 2, GREAT EGRET 1, Goosander 4 including 2
28th | STONECHAT 1, the first of 2023 (CB), Goldeneye 15
| Stonechat (Chris Hubbard) | |
2 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Goldeneye 15, Goosander 4, Treecreeper 1,
Goldcrest 1
26th | Goosander
6, Little Egret 1, GREAT EGRET 1, Goldeneye 15, Kingfisher 1
25th | GREAT
EGRET 1, Goosander 2, Meadow Pipit 1, Mistle Thrush 2
POCHARD 1 (CMH), Little Egret 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Meadow Pipit 1,
Reed Bunting 7, Goosander 4, Barn Owl 1, Wigeon 105
23rd | Common
Gull at least 975 in the roost (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (B&FG),
GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 2, Mistle Thrush 2, Goosander 11, Goldeneye
10, Meadow Pipit 6, Barn Owl 1 adult male (SRG)
POCHARD 1 (CMH), OYSTERCATCHER 1, for the first of 2023 this AM and
then again this evening (CMH), Little Egret 3, Goosander 8
POCHARD 1(CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Goosander 9, Meadow
Pipit 22 on the dam, Mistle Thrush 2, Little Egret 2
POCHARD 1 (B&FG), Grey Wagtail 2, Goosander 4, Goldeneye 4, Gadwall
25 |
POCHARD 1 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 2, Little Egret 2, Greylag Goose 162,
Shoveler 2, Gadwall 61, Wigeon 28, Mallard 43, Pochard 18, Tufted Duck
117.Goldeneye 12, Goosander 7, Coot 206
POCHARD 1 (IB), GREAT EGRET 2, PINTAIL 1 drake (CMH), Little Egret 1,
Goosander 8, Cetti's Warbler 2
17th | CASPIAN
Little Egret 3, Goosander 4
16th | RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (SCN), GREAT EGRET 1, Lesser Redpoll 1, Goosander 2 |
15th | Little
Egret 1, Goosander 10
POCHARD 1 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 1, Goosander 13
1 first-winter in the roost (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost
(CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), Shelduck 2 flew west early evening
(CMH), GREAT EGRET 2 (CMH), Little Egret 2, Wigeon 208 (CMH), Goosander 2
| Grey Heron (Chris Hubbard) |
| First-winter Mediterranean Gull (Chris Hubbard) | |
1 first-winter again in the roost (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 still
POCHARD 1 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 1, Goosander 4, Snipe 1
10th | CASPIAN GULL 3, 2 adults and a third-winter in the roost (CMH), MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 first-winter in the roost (CMH), Cetti's Warbler 1, Goosander 2
| Caspian Gulls - 2 adults (Chris Hubbard) | |
1 first-winter in the roost, the 3rd Med Gull of 2023 (CMH),
GULL 1 near adult in the roost (CMH), Goosander 5, PINTAIL 1 female
7th | MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1 adult in the roost this evening (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), Goosander 4, Mistle Thrush 2
| Mediterranean Gull (Chris Hubbard) | |
6th | RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), Goosander 7, GREAT EGRET 1 flew west at 17.00, Goldeneye 20, Shoveler 7, Snipe 1, Little Egret 1 |
POCHARD 1 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 2, Goosander 6, Lesser
Redpoll 2, Cetti's Warbler 1, Water Rail 1, Red Kite 3, Raven 6, Buzzard
3, Meadow Pipit 3, Reed Bunting 2, Grey Heron 2, Red-legged Partridge
16, Lapwing 24, Kingfisher 1, Grey Wagtail 1, Mistle Thrush 1, Redwing
c30, Fieldfare c30 |
3rd | RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), Goosander 10 (3 drakes), Cetti's Warbler 1 |
2nd | CASPIAN GULL 2, a near adult and third-winter in the roost (CMH), Goosander 3 |
1st | RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (SCN), Teal 122, Little Egret 1, Grey Wagtail 1 |
31st | RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), Little Egret 1 |
30th | CASPIAN
GULL 2 adults in the roost (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 at the dame
early morning (CMH), PINTAIL 2 in Keepers Lodge (CMH), Goosander 3 in
Keepers Lodge, Little Egret 1, Little Grebe 6, Millet Thrush 2, Meadow
Pipit 2, Barn Owl 1 |
29th | CASPIAN
GULL 1 in the roost this evening (IB), RED-CRESTED POCHARD (CMH), GREAT
EGRET 1, Little Egret 1, Cetti's Warbler 2, Water Rail 3, Goosander 2,
Red Kite 6, Lapwing c70, Snipe 1 |
POCHARD 1 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1 (N Jarvis), Goosander 5, Black-headed
Gull 1, another colour ringed bird - awaiting information (CMH),
Goldeneye 13 |
27th | CASPIAN GULL 2 in the roost (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), PINTAIL 3 (CMH), Goosander 3, Little Egret 1
| Caspian Gulls - 2 adults, one with colour ring (CMH) | |
26th | CASPIAN
GULL 1 (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (SCN), Goosander 6, Black-headed
Gull 1 with black colour ring X95K (CMH/SCN), Water Rail 2, Mistle
Thrush 2, Snipe 1
25th | CASPIAN GULL 2 (CMH), Goosander 10, Lesser Redpoll 17 |
24th | CASPIAN
GULL 1 in the roost (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), Teal 87,
Goosander 10, Goldeneye 18, Little Grebe 12 |
23rd | Late
news for Saturday 21st - 6 CASPIAN GULLS (a new site record) - 4
adults, 1 sub adult and 1 second-winter all in the roost (IB).
RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH),
Goosander 12, Pochard 65, Teal 30, Wigeon 268, Goldeneye 15 |
22nd | CASPIAN
Goldeneye 15, Goosander 20, Green Sandpiper 1, GREAT EGRET 1, Little
Egret 1, Pochard 70, Teal 66, Wigeon 145, Shoveler 14, Tufted Duck 173,
Lapwing 38, Snipe 6, Coot 453 |
17, GREAT EGRET 1, Shelduck 3 |
1 first-winter in the roost (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 (CMH), Goosander 5,
RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1, Lesser Redpoll c36, Snipe 4
POCHARD 1 (CMH/B&FG), GREAT EGRET 1, Snipe 1, Kingfisher 1,
Sparrowhawk 1, Redwing / Fieldfare c130 mixed flock, Kestrel 2, Lapwing
35, Little Grebe 1 |
POCHARD 1 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 2, Grey Heron 2, Green
Sandpiper 1, Goldeneye 27 (CMH), Teal 18, Kingfisher 2, Shoveler 9,
Lapwing 50, Little Grebe 4
POCHARD 1 (SCN), GREAT EGRET 1, Goosander 2, Shoveler 6, Buzzard 5,
Meadow Pipit 1, Redwing c30, Long Tailed Tit c20 |
14th | CASPIAN GULL 2 (S Mundy) |
13th | CASPIAN
GULL 5 (M Alibone / PDH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1, Lesser Redpoll 2,
Shoveler 3, YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 (PDH), GREAT EGRET 1, Barn Owl 1, the
first of 2023 (M Alibone) |
first-winter in the roost, the first of 2023 (CMH), PINTAIL 1 female,
the first of 2023 (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1,
Little Grebe 3
11th | RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (A Herbert) |
10th | CASPIAN
GULL 1 (CMH), Goldeneye 25, Shelduck 2 the first of 2023 (CMH), Little
Grebe 3
9th | **KITTIWAKE**
1 first-winter in the roost this evening, the first record since 2021
Long-tailed Tit 15, Little Egret 1, Shoveler 6
| Kittiwake (Chris Hubbard) | |
POCHARD 1 (CMH), Golden Plover 1, Green Sandpiper 1, Goosander 1,
Lapwing 103, Red-legged Partridge 4, Kingfisher 1, Raven 10 |
GULL 2 (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (SCN), Goosander 2, Raven 15, Red
Kite 3, Yellowhammer 1
GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1
this AM (CMH), Goldeneye 35 this evening (CMH), Goldcrest 1, Goosander 3
on the dam this AM |
3rd | CASPIAN GULL 1 (CMH)), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 (CMH), Great Black-backed Gull c315 in the roost (CMH), Pochard 47, Little Egret 1 |
2nd | GREAT EGRET 1, Water Rail 1, Cetti's Warbler 1, Lesser Redpoll 5, Snipe 1 |
1st |
RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 (CMH), Meadow Pipit 1, Goosander 9, Tawny Owl 1 calling at dusk |
Happy New Year to all. The 2022 final species count was 147. There were 2 new species for the site - BLYTH'S REED WARBLER and CATTLE EGRET.
Other highlights included 3 Yellow-browed Warblers, Wryneck, Pied
Flycatcher, Tree Pipit, Rock Pipit, White-tailed Eagle, Quail, Corn
Bunting, Arctic Tern, Black Tern, Whooper Swan, White-fronted Goose,
Merlin, Ruff, Garganey and Mealy Redpoll. Here's to a bird filled 2023.
31st |
Sandpiper 1, Teal 18, CASPIAN GULL 2 (CMH/PDH)
30th |
1 (CMH), Goosander 5, Teal 15, Snipe 1
29th |
CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost
(CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 2 (CMH), Great Black-backed Gull c120, Little
Grebe 1, Little Egret 1, Lesser Redpoll 9, Teal 9
28th |
(CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 2, Teal 12,
Snipe 1, Goldcrest 1
27th |
(SCN), PINTAIL 1 female (CMH), Goldeneye 6
26th |
Coot 372, Lesser Redpoll 9,
Goldeneye 1, Canada Goose c140, Red Kite 2, Buzzard 2, Kestrel
3, Bullfinch 5, Long-tailed Tit c20
24th |
all contributors and visitors a very Merry Christmas
Redpoll 11, Snipe, Cetti's Warbler 1, Red Kite 1, Bullfinch 4
23rd |
GULL 1 adult (CMH) Goosander 4 (2 drakes and 2 females), Cetti's
Warbler 1, Little Grebe 1
22nd |
briefly late morning on the Leicestershire side with c20 Lesser
Redpoll, the first of 2022 (CMH). The video of this bird can be viewed
on my twitter feed @c4hub, GREAT EGRET 1, Teal 15, Little Grebe 1,
Starling c3000 into roost.
The colour-ringed Herring Gull (A8JT) seen by Steve Nichols on the 18th
December was ringed at Pitsea landfill, Essex on 06/12/2014. Also, seen
in Cambridgeshire in 2017 and Leicestershire in 2019.
21st |
POCHARD 1 (SCN), GREAT EGRET 1, Little Egret 1, Teal 10,
Greater Black-backed Gull 175 in the roost (CMH), Cetti's Warbler 1,
Water Rail 1, Lesser Redpoll 1
20th |
(CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Goosander 4, Green Sandpiper 1, Lapwing c100,
Goldeneye 4, Cetti's Warbler 1, Water Rail 2, Meadow Pipit 4, Little
Egret 1
19th |
(CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 1 (CMH), Goldeneye 3,
18th |
1 (CB), Teal 11, Goldeneye 3, Snipe 1, Lapwing 15, Herring Gull 1
colour ringed on ice (SCN)
17th |
de Clermont)
14th |
(A Herbert/D Sheffield), EGYPTIAN GOOSE 1 (B&FG), Snipe 1, Teal
15, Little Grebe 5, Grey Heron 5
12th |
11th |
10th |
(SCN), Goosander 2
9th |
POCHARD 1 (SCN), Snipe 2, Great Black-backed Gull
218 in the roost (CMH)
8th |
first-winter (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult (CMH), Great Black-backed Gull
7th |
CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost
Rail 2, Great Black-backed Gull 156, Cetti's Warbler 1, Lesser Redpoll
5, Sparrowhawk 1, Buzzard 1, Raven 2, Shoveler 6, Long-tailed Tit 16
Gull (Chris Hubbard) |
6th |
adult in the roost (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4
(CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Snipe 3, Water Rail 3, Lesser Redpoll 12, Cetti's
Warbler 1
5th |
adult in the roost (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost (CMH),
Great Black-backed Gull 206 in the roost (CMH), RED-CRESTED
POCHARD 4 (CMH), GREAT EGRET 1, Goosander 1 drake,
Kingfisher 1
4th |
1 adult and 1 first winter in the roost this evening (CMH), RED-CRESTED
POCHARD 3 (CMH), Snipe 3
3rd |
first-winter in the roost (CMH), CASPIAN GULL 1 adult in the roost
(CMH), YELLOW-LEGGED GULL 1 adult in the roost, Great Black-backed Gull
190+ in the roost (CMH), RED-CRESTED POCHARD 4
(CMH), Goosander 2, Teal 15, PINTAIL 1 female (CMH), EGYPTIAN GOOSE 1,
Little Egret 1, Lesser Redpoll 10
75 new birds ringed today including 63
Redwings, 3 Fieldfares and 1 Chiffchaff (SRG)
2nd |
Chiffchaff 1, Little Egret 1, Lesser Redpoll 5
Geese (Chris Hubbard) |
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